Showing posts with label aurora ray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aurora ray. Show all posts

Thursday, July 20, 2023

5D Ascension Is to Delve Deep into Self-Awareness

The following is from Aurora Ray, the ambassador of the Galactic Federation: 

In our pursuit of purpose and understanding, a deep yearning stirs within us—a longing to transcend the boundaries of our ordinary existence and soar towards a higher plane of consciousness.

This innate desire for ascension, firmly ingrained in the human spirit, calls us to surpass the limitations of the material world and embark on a profound voyage of self-discovery and spiritual illumination. Ascension, an age-old concept cherished by mystics and sages across diverse traditions, holds the key to transcending our current state and attaining an elevated awareness of our authentic essence.

To embark on the journey of ascension, it is crucial to delve into the depths of self-awareness.

Often, our focus tends to be solely on the objects of knowledge, neglecting the knower—the essential aspect of understanding ourselves. Meditation techniques such as self-remembering offer a pathway to gaining self-awareness by encouraging us to remember ourselves as the subject while knowing something. By consciously recognizing the knower within us, we unlock the potential to deepen our understanding of both ourselves and the world around us.

Tap into the profound wisdom of "I am," a simple yet potent mantra that holds the key to awakening your consciousness. In the midst of your daily activities, let this remembrance reverberate within you.

Whether sipping water or savoring a meal, keep the flame of self-remembrance alive. It may seem unnecessary, for you believe you already know your existence. But trust in the power of this practice, for it holds immense potential!

As you walk, let the rhythm of your steps harmonize with the steady chant of "I am, I am, I am." Allow this self-remembering to permeate your being. Listen attentively, absorbing the words spoken to you while staying rooted in the awareness of "I am, I am, I am." Let this awareness be a constant companion, ever-present in your journey.

In every moment you remember, begin with the phrase "I am." But remember, it's not about merely saying the words out loud. Instead, focus on cultivating the feeling within you. Allow it to resonate in your being.

Let your awareness go beyond surface-level repetition and truly connect with the essence of "I am." For instance, when you touch someone's hand, don't just feel their hand; feel your own touch as well. Be fully present at that moment, aware of your own presence within the touch.

Similarly, when you eat, it's not just about consuming food; it's about feeling yourself eating. Let this sense of awareness and sensitivity sink deeper and deeper into your mind, gradually permeating your entire being.

As you delve deeper into self-remembrance, you will witness a remarkable shift. The more you realize your own truth, the more the world around you loses its grip on reality. The "I" within becomes the epitome of authenticity, while the external realm dissolves into a dreamlike illusion!

The dichotomy between the real and the unreal unravels. The world cannot be real if the "I" is real, and vice versa. Embrace this change in perspective, for it has the potential to transform your very existence.

Most people go through life in a state of slumber, oblivious to the need for self-remembrance. But you have been given the rare opportunity to awaken even while awake. Take any moment, any fragment of time, and invoke the power of "I am."

It is not a matter of mere repetition, but a profound feeling that must permeate your entire being. Let this sensitivity seep into the depths of your consciousness.

And one day, like a sudden burst of sunlight, you will find yourself awakened at the core of your being! The world, once a dream, will reveal its illusory nature. You will realize that your own world is nothing but a dream. As this realization dawns upon you, the dreaming ceases. It can only persist if it is perceived as real. But the moment you recognize its unreality, the dream dissolves.

With this awakening, you shed your old self like a worn-out cloak. The slumbering soul gives way to a luminous being—a Buddha, an awakened one. In this state of awareness, misery dissipates, and death loses its grip. Fear is but a distant memory!

By liberating ourselves from the realm of sleep and transcending the illusions of dreaming, we attain true freedom.

In this awakened state, the chains of hate, anger, and greed dissolve, replaced by the essence of love. Love ceases to be a fleeting emotion; it becomes an integral part of our being. We embody love itself, breaking free from limitations.

This awakening empowers us to walk a path guided by love, granting us the freedom to live authentically and experience profound fulfillment.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Who Am I? - A Powerful Question to 5D

This is an excerpt from the article written by Aurora Ray, Ambassador of Galactic Federation:

 If you want to know what your true self is, then first try to know what is not your true self. If there is something that does not belong to you, then it cannot be part of your true self.

There are many things that do not belong to us but which we have taken on as our own, either because we were told by someone else or because we were conditioned by them: "This is good" or "This is bad." But if we want to find out what our real nature is like and what our real values are, we must start with ourselves.

You should think about this question very carefully: "Who am I?" This is a critical question because if we begin to see ourselves as others see us, we will become what they want us to become; however, if we begin to see ourselves as our own selves see us, we will enter a new dimension of existence!

"Who am I?": This question that you are asking yourself is the only thing that will lead you to the fifth dimension. And it is a question that has no answer. It's not just any question; it has no answer; it's a question that has no intellectual answer. The answer is YOU—your realization of your innermost self.

The answer is within you, but it cannot be found by anyone else. You have to find it within yourself, and then only you will know what your own true nature is like.

That is why this arrow of a question is so powerful because it goes right into your heart—because then there are no barriers in its way. Then it travels inwards and reaches right within to where all knowledge lies hidden—that's where it comes from!

Your question is not about some abstract concept or theory; it is a question about yourself. And if you can answer that question, you will find yourself in the fifth dimension!

You will find out who you are, what your relationship is with God and all things, how many dimensions there are, and how many people there are in each dimension.

And when you are there, why should you go back? Why should we go back? It is a journey that has no end and no beginning; it is a journey within ourselves; it is a journey within our own minds; it is a journey within our own hearts; it is a journey within our own souls; it is a journey within our own bodies; it is a journey within our own realities!

You have seen that there is a hierarchy of energies: at the top of the pyramid are the most subtle forms of energy, and at the bottom are the grosser ones. So, if you want to ascend, you must first know yourself; you must realize who you are!

So, awaken now and let the time for sleep disappear forever!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Love, Intuition & Ascension

The insights are from Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation.

This is not to say that there is no wrong in the world. There is. But who are you to interfere with any structure? All structures have been given by nature. You cannot be the one who will change them. You can only love, but you cannot interfere with the way things are being done around you. "Love and allow." This is the only teaching of all religions and of all sages. Allow things to be.

Always remember that love flows from God, so do not try to force it outside. Find the source within yourself. When you claim to love someone from outside, then it becomes a fake game. So the inner journey has to be continued, and the outer journey may follow as part of nature's law.

Even the smallest effort put into the idea of love will make a world of difference in your life and the lives of those around you.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Alchemy Of Ascension

Another insight for crystal children, starseeds and lightworkers from Aurora Ray, Ambassador of The Galactic Federation.

Ascension can be a difficult thing to describe because it's not a destination or goal. It's not about getting somewhere else; it's about being here now, at this moment, with all of your senses engaged and open to new possibilities.

Ascension is being in the moment and doing what you love. It's being present; it's being present in your life. It's focusing on the now, not the future or past.

It's about letting go of the past and future so you can be free to follow your heart wherever it leads you. It's about living in the now and fully experiencing everything around you because when we do this, we find that the boundaries between us and everything else dissolve away like fog on a sunny day.

Life is the pursuit of ascension, and the secret to success lies in knowing what you want and why you want it. This will ensure that you stay on track and consistently work towards your goals each and every day.

Ascension is learning how to listen to our intuition, take responsibility for our actions, and accept responsibility for our actions. It's being brave enough to do what feels right, even if it feels scary-because courage is not the absence of fear; courage is taking action anyway.

Monday, November 21, 2022

How To Live In Pure Consciousness

The instruction of how to observe your mind and connect to the Source is introduced by Aurora Ray, Ambassador of Galactic Federation.


The first step in practicing Vipassana meditation is learning to breathe deeply and slowly. 

The second step is learning how to observe your thoughts as they arise in your mind during the course of your day. This can be done by sitting comfortably with your eyes closed.

When you meditate, you're in the present moment. You're not thinking about anything else, and you don't have any judgments or expectations about what might happen next.

The mind is like a wild horse or a raging fire. If you try to control it, it will just get worse. But if you let it be, then it will settle down into its natural state of restfulness and calm.

As soon as one thought arises in your mind, watch it come into being. Then let it pass away naturally by watching rather than thinking about it or trying to control it in any way. This process becomes easier with practice.

After a while, when you're sitting down to meditate, you'll notice that thoughts come and go more quickly than they used to. You don't have to be aware of every thought; just watch whatever comes up and then let it go again.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Starseeds And The Language of Vibration

The following is an article from Aurora Ray, Ambassador of The Galactic Federation:

The Galactic Federation is here on a mission of peace. But the main reason of this mission is YOU. As a magnificent individual, you are critical to this collective ascension movement. Together we will increase Earth's vibrational frequency and sail across the sea of confusion to the land of enlightenment.

We are all here for a higher purpose. You must know there's a divine plan to accomplish Earth's awakening. Specific challenges are to be faced, and certain personal and untransferable paths and quests are to be taken. Always trust that Divine Intelligence will provide you with the information, people, and situations to make your role in this old story of ascension a lot easier.

Still, if there's an essential task to work on our planet, that is education. This educational assignment has to do with the enlightenment of individuals as to their purposes in life, their true powers, their health, and even their destinies. But also, and very importantly, it has to do with the education of Starseeds for their spiritual advancement.

The Galactic Federation is here to help guide the children of Light, or Starseeds, and to assist them because many of you are members of The Galactic Federation. You heard the call. Earth needed help and so you volunteered.