
5D transformation primarily means inner transformation of our consciousness.

However, as far as we have our physical body in 3D, we will also experience transformation of mother Gaia's physicality (the Earth) during the Ascension process.

Such material aspects of the transformation will be perceived as 'havoc' or 'disaster' for those who have not awakened.

Starseeds or awakened know that the destruction is necessary in order to build a new system.

The following is the list of expected events as far as we have been informed.

  • Many forms of natural disasters occur all over the world in an unprecedented pace, including hurricanes, flooding, wildfire, volcano eruption, torrential rain and drought. (They have already been happening.)
  • Inflation accelerates and the currency based economy will eventually end.
  • In July 2025, a massive earthquake strikes between Japan and the Philippines that deforms the countries geophysical shapes (perhaps sourced in the Mariana Trench).
  • Ascension waves (similar to the Rapture) come in 3 times. Nobody knows when the first wave comes, as it depends on how soon the humanity reaches enough intensity of Light (energy of consciousness).
  • After all the negative entities that do not resonate with 5D frequency departed the Earth, our Galactic families will introduce themselves (The First Disclosure) and their technologies will be shared.
  • In certain time, all remained on the Earth will experience a state of apparent death for 24-72 hours. After that, 5D new Earth will begin.

Global Warming and Climate Change Are Not Anthropogenic

After many scientific researches, the scientists found that CO2 was not the major contributor of global warming. It is caused by electromagnetic particles coming from the Central Sun that occurs every 12,000 years cycle. The earth core has already been affected and magmas from the thin crust under water or ground rise and heat up the planet's biosphere.

The entire story can be seen in the video presented by Creative Society.

Future of The Humanity

We do not need to be fearful going through these Ascension processes. What we can do now is to prepare our mind and be ready to accept whatever happens. The Earth is releasing all the accumulated negativities in the past and going to be reborn.

The technologies in the advanced civilizations in the universe would include Medbeds that heal any kind of ailments or physical burdens in minutes, devices that boost telomerase actions and enables reverse aging instantly, free energy using the energy grid that have been installed on the Earth and is compatible with the current electronics such as smartphones, 3D printers that utilize space materials and create almost anything you desire, antigravity, space travel with warping, and so on.

They will not be brought until there is no one who possesses an intention of using them for wars, manipulation or monopoly.


After the above article was posted based on the information provided through the Galactic Federation, astonishingly such technologies were described in the Creative Society forum held in November 2022.

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