Showing posts with label natural disaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural disaster. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Be Prepared! Aftermath of July 2025 Japan Nankai Mega-Earthquake

Explore the unimaginable world after the catastrophic July 2025 Nankai Trough mega-earthquake predicted in Japan and learn about the possibility of super-volcano eruption, Aira Caldera, and the 12,000-year cycle of cataclysm.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Enormous Earthquake Predicted In Japan 🗾 What Happens When It Strikes

Today, I'm gonna tell you a very important and sensitive matter.

Especially for people in Japan, this event is going to turn your life upside down 180 degrees. So please be prepared to listen.

Thanks to the technological advancement, we can watch the Japanese TV programs even in Hawaii. While back, there was a documentary featuring a Japanese lady comic artist, "Ryo Tatsuki".

She possesses sort of a psychic ability and has occasionally had premonitions in her dreams. She predicted about 3.11 Tohoku earthquake happened in 2011 years before and wrote about it in her comic book.

She even forgot about it herself, but it became true.

This time, she dreamt a catastrophic earthquake that struck the area between the Philippines and Japan called Nankai trough in July 2025 and brought devastating damages to the southern shores of Japan facing the Pacific Ocean.

When I watched the documentary, I intuitively felt that it is the truth in my deep inner core.

After a while, my friends and I were meditating together and beings from higher dimension came down. In the spiritual term, it is called channeling. They talked through our channeler and confirmed that the information of the event is true.

They explained that we human beings had a chance to prevent it, but it was missed.

However, it is yet to be minimized depending on how the consciousness level of humanity changes.

In the forums presented by the Creative Society, a similar prediction has been proposed through the increasing tectonic activities at Mariana Trench.

The thickness of the plate at the Mariana Trench is only 5 kilometers or 3 miles. When magma seeps out and meets the ocean water, a micro phreatic explosion will occur and induce nearby hydrovolcanic explosions, that could result in a fatal violent explosion.

The Creative Society volunteer science team estimates that the latest by October 2036, as Mars had experienced 24,000 years ago, a planetary scale hydraulic impact will destroy our planet Earth.

If not at the Mariana Trench, it could be at a super volcano such as Yellowstone.

Of course, it will be much earlier than 2036 to end the world, if we continue ignorant acts such as nuclear testing and war.

The prediction of July 2025 is not a planetary scale, however, it will be an unprecedented cataclysm enough to change the terrain. 

Now, let's take a brief look at the forum from May 2022:


It is not my intention to impose a threat or implant a fear. It is to alarm people prior hand, so that we can be vigilant and prepared.

It is too late after it happens.

The most important thing to understand is that "the old system must be destroyed in order to build a new one."

For instance, there is a run-down house, but you want to build a new house there. What would you do?

That's right. You will need to destroy the old house first. It's the same thing.

Therefore, it is important to have a perspective that these natural disasters and catastrophes are happening for reasons, that is to destroy the old system, and they are not always bad or negative events.

If the consciousness of humanity had evolved to reach a certain level of energy in an earlier stage, we may not have had to experience these cataclysms. However, there is no point in saying that now, so we need to focus on what we can do now.

When we were told about the event in 2025, we didn't know about the Creative Society.

Come to think of it, since there is such an ideal model of society that resonates with the 5th dimension, working together to build it will lead to unite the consciousness of all humanity.

The decisions made and actions taken by each one of you determines the course of our planet's and our fate.

It is not the matter of good or bad. It is an individual decision.

And it is not necessary a poor decision to remain on the third dimension, the material world. Your free will is always honored.

However, from the other perspective, it is a huge leaping opportunity.

Why? Well it is going to be a bit of spiritual talk, but what is our life purpose? Why are we here on Earth?

The reason why we are here is not just to live long or just to live fun, of course we can choose so, but to raise our awareness or our vibratory energy.

That is your true asset.

Because it is the only thing you can carry on after you leave your physical body, while your physical body, your house, your car, your money, your job, all the things you think you possess must remain in this material world.

So, how do we raise our vibratory energy? Simply put, it means to treat and act with love. It's easy to say, but it entails tremendous efforts in this material world, and your vibratory energy has gradually increased. Just like weight lifting, the heavier the load, the more development you would expect. Of course, it could be lowered in the contrary sometimes. However, sooner or later you will eventually evolve.

In the meantime, as I mentioned last time, we are in the middle of an Ascension process, and the Earth is now vibrating in much higher frequencies that we have never experienced before.

While some will choose not to keep up with it and remain where they are, consciously or unconsciously, it could also be perceived as an enormous opportunity to leap to the higher realm.

Well, this time, some probably felt like the things discussed here were indigestible, as they cannot be referred to the conventional knowledge and information, but I hope that you intuitively could feel them.

I, myself, have used my left brain analytical thinking a lot.

There is no need to worry. It's all right as you are.

When you feel excited in your heart, it is the vibration telling you that is the right thing for you to do.

The Creative Society will not be build by Revolution, but by Evolution.

If by revolution, another will become a top of the people and repeat the same system.

While "striving" has been a good deed in the 3rd dimension, the keywords to the 5th dimension are "with joy" and "with excitement". Something that inspires you or exalts you.

The society created by the evolved people. Let's make it happen with joy!

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

If Not Carbon Dioxide, What Really Causes Emerging Global Warming?

It has been a while since global warming was mentioned in the first place.

And it has been widely believed that CO2 is the major culprit of it.

As a matter of fact, I also have believed so, until I watched the Creative Society forum.

The forum presented on November 22nd, 2022 revealed the fact about CO2 myth, so I researched about it myself.

As a result, I found that the CO2 contained in the Earth atmosphere is 415ppm.

All right. What the heck is PPM? PPM stands for Parts Per Million. Therefore, 415PPM means that there are 415 CO2 molecules out of 1 million.

In 1750, before the industrial revolution, CO2 content in the air was 278PPM. Yes, indeed. Carbon Dioxide has been increased because of man-made influence of industrialization.

However, what's the big deal about 278 turned to 415 pcs out of 1 million?

We can see that it is just a numerical trick that made it look like 50 percent increase just by looking at the number 278 and 415. But look at the denominator, which is 1 million. So we are actually comparing 0.000278 and 0.000415, you see?

Indeed, human beings increased the volume of CO2 emission, but in a planetary scale, it is nothing. It means that there are other bigger factors causing global warming.

And it suggests the following two things:

1. There are vested interests even in so called "the Green Industry" that promotes solar panels and wind turbines, advertising their green policies that promise reduction of CO2.

2. They know the fact that there are much larger factors that are causing global warming than CO2. However, it seems too overwhelming for humanity to counter it, so it is better to hide it so that people do not get panicked. 

Now, let's look at the video about the "Green Industry".


Now, let's talk about the other bigger factor of global warming.

It is explained as a result of the cyclical events happening every 12,000 years, according to the Creative Society.

Due to the influence of cosmic radiation that pours down on the entire solar system every 12,000 years, the cores of each planet begin to shake, resulting in pole shifts, and the rotation speed of the planets accelerates. Then, with the increased centrifugal force, magma rises through the mantle plume from deep inside and warms the seawater. This is the true cause of the global warming that is happening now.

At the Creative Society forum in April 2023, it was explained that Mars was also affected by this cycle, and 24,000 years ago, a submarine volcano erupted. When magma met the seawater, a violent explosion occurred and Mars was instantly destroyed by a planetary-scale hydraulic impact.

The Creative Society volunteer science team found that catastrophic events during the 24,000-year cycle are larger than the regular 12,000-year cycle based on their 27 years of geological studies.

Our planet Earth is about to face the same consequence as our brother planet Mars.

And we do not have much time left.

I will talk about it further in another video.

In the meantime, my friends and I were told about the events that our solar system experiences every 12,000 years, through another source.

It's about the Photon belt.

The galaxy where our solar system belongs has the sun called the Central Sun in the center. While the Earth revolves around the sun, our entire solar system revolves around the Central Sun. The Central Sun is the star Alcyone in the Pleiades star cluster.

Its revolution cycle is 24,000 years!

The photon belt is donut shaped and located perpendicular to the orbit of our solar system that revolves around Alcyone. Our solar system passes through the photon belt twice during its one orbital run.

Each half-cycle takes 12,000 years and passes through the photon belt. 10,000 years out of the photon belt, and 2,000 years in the photon belt.

The Earth has raised its vibrations each time it passed through the Photon Belt. This is a process called ascension, and only life that has been able to tune in to the rising vibrations of the planet has survived.

And this time is the big one, the 24,000-year cycle. The process of this time enables us to elevate from the current 3rd dimension straight up to the 5th dimension, bypassing the 4th.

Therefore, if you are unable to let go of the 3rd dimensional way of thinking, namely money and material oriented mind, or the experiences/knowledge/the common sense that you have acquired in the consumerist society, you won't be able to keep up with the ascension process of the Earth that is vibrating in much higher frequency.

While the Creative Society does not mention the Photon Belt, it explained what is going to happen in the 12,000-year cycle and its cause, thus we were able to grasp the whole picture.

And we can say that the Creative Society is the society to be created with the consciousness of the 5th.

I know that many of you might be perplexed understanding the Creative Society as its concept is completely different from the current familiar consumer format of society, but it is an ideal world where people take initiative and self-govern for people ourselves, based on the 8 pillars of foundation.

It is totally up to you whether to deny the change holding on to the conventional way of thinking, the acquired knowledge and experiences, or to accept whatever comes and start living in a new way.

The concept of the 5th dimension is Unity. The ideas such as discrimination and division that have been dominating this world do not resonate anymore!

Let us unite our heart and mind and create such an ideal society, the Creative Society. Together, we can.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Super Volcano Explained - Yellowstone National Park

 Many volunteer scientists participate in the Creative Society.

Anastashia Pashigreva, Ph.D. in Chemistry, presented the forum associated with Mary Greeley, a researcher in Argentina. In the video, the relationship of the earthquake that struck Argentina in January 2023 and Yellow Stone National Park, one of the super volcanos, was explained.

Do not wait until climate disasters come to you. We have to know what is going on the Earth and wake up. We are following the dead-end scenario with the current format of society. It is up to us, people, how we want to live.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Turkey & Syria - What Happened & Why It Is Happening

 It is heart breaking that our fellow human beings die and suffer in such devastating event. Even if you are alive, it is too cold to survive without shelters. 

Why such tormenting events keep happening on the Earth?
Is it a test for human beings?

The answers are in the video of the forum held by Creative Society.

Creative Society has explained and warned about potential catastrophes that are coming near future. It includes why it is happening, why it has had to happen and how to counter the climate disasters so that we can survive.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

How Many Cataclysms Do You Have To See To Wake Up?

Another cataclysm has occurred recently in Turkey.

It is not just a random natural disaster, but what you see is a beginning stage of the series of climatic events. More and more catastrophes are expected as these planetary level anomalies have been observed every 12,000 years. Please see this article for more about the cause.

Our source tells us that in July 2025, a massive earthquake strikes between Japan and the Philippines. Even before that catastrophic event, there will be more natural disastrous events in all over the world. Ones who are able to help the victims today may be the victims themselves next.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Robby Wells Running for American Presidency in 2024

Robby Wells is probably the only presidency candidate of the United States who understands the concept and importance of Creative Society.

He understands that it is impossible to alter the climate Cerberus that would destroy the earth and all people on her in the next decade, if we continue to live in the power and money driven consumerist format of society.

In his speech, he said that he would be the last President of the United States of America. It means that he really intends to build a self-government, which is the core model of the Creative Society and give all the power back to people, as there will be no more politics, no corruption, no manipulation and no boarders to divide in countries.

In other words, politicians who support the Creative Society like him are needed now and during the transition period. After the Creative Society is built, there will be a self-government and politicians are no longer needed.

We can say that America is the most influential country in the world today. Therefore, it is important to elect political leaders like him who support Creative Society.

I was not particularly impressed about his comments about Putin would be well-supported in the United States if he runs for American presidency, but it makes sense that he runs as an individual and not from the major parties as he first likes to unite the country.

It is my hope that more and more candidates like him will run for elections in the world.

We see poverty, wars, deprivation, violence, injustice and so many problems in the current consumerist format of society. We know that it is a dead-end road, but we accept it as our standard. We can, however, change it, by only electing politicians who support the Creative Society

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Stagflation Is About to Happen

Global economic crisis has been predicted long ago by our channeled source.

If a cup of coffee costs $1,000 and gasoline costs $5,000 per gallon, the value of money will vanish. Riches who thought money can buy everything will go crazy, while the poor who did not have anything will have no impact from such inflation. Water and food will become extremely valuable.

Today, inflation has already been happening and many are living in poverty. Even in advanced countries such as the United States of America, 1 in 6 persons is in poverty level that makes living on $5 per day.

In the current consumerist format of society, you get rich based on the sacrifices of poor people. Its economic system does not allow everyone to be wealthy. Rich becomes richer and poor becomes poorer. In today's world, 1% of the wealthiest hold more than 70% of the total wealth. 

While riches enjoy living in luxury, the climate change steadfastly progresses and eventually will annihilate everybody, including them. Their lives end anyway.

By the year 2030, it is estimated that the entire GDP in the world will not be able to cover the damages from the climate disasters.

Now, do we people choose to continue contributing to the top 1% and wait until we die together with them, or we rise up and create a public demand to change the society to a creative one that will mobilize all the wisdom and intelligence to concur the climate change and thus create a chance for all human beings to survive?

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Upcoming Cataclysms

Do Not Believe The Hype! - CO2 Does Not Cause The Global Warming!

The notorious CO2 is said to be a greenhouse gas that raises the atmospheric and oceanic temperatures. Well, the sunlight in conjunction with the green house effect may warm up the ocean water up to 200 meters from the surface, or up to 700 meters if the convection is included. But how do you explain the temperature rise way deep in the ocean in such a massive scale?

There are many underwater volcanos that have been observed to be hyperactive since 1995. Especially in the west of Antarctica and Greenland, glaciers are melting from below. Many seismic activities there have also become aggressive.

Can human cause them? 

The atmospheric CO2 content is 400ppm (parts per million), that is 1 carbon dioxide in 10,000 molecules of other substances. CO2 in the air is almost nothing, even if it is increased by 12% of human cause. In fact, CO2 has cooling effect in the contrary.

The climate change is obviously not anthropogenic. There are larger scale anomalies going on.

Geophysically, polar drifts have been observed and the Earth's magnetic field decreased by 9% in these 200 years. It means that the Earth core has been disturbed, and its dynamo that generates the magnetic field has been destabilized. 

The thinnest earth crust of about 5 km can be easily cracked open with the aggravated mantle plumes. When the ocean meets the magma, it induces a super hydraulic explosion.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Transition to Self-Government

The earth is facing a significant influence from the universe that occurs every 12,000 years. As stated in the 'Transformation' page, the core of the earth has been destabilized, and planetary scale catastrophes are inevitable if we do nothing. 

The key is to shift the existing consumerist format of society (3D) to the creative format of society (5D). We need to unite and take actions in order to achieve it.

What we can do is to do the following steps:

  1. Information Stage
    Creative Society format should be propagated as much as possible.

  2. Political Stage
    We elect politicians who certainly adopt the 8 pillars of the creative society into the constitution.

  3. World Referendum
Then we can enact Electoral Platform that every single person is directly involved in voting for making society laws.

In the initial stage, we need to vote for candidates who pledge to incorporate the 8 foundations of the Creative Society into the constitution. 

The international online conference of the Creative Society held on November 12, 2022 included such potential candidate in the United States, Robby Wells.

Friday, October 21, 2022

The Future of Humanity

The global climate crisis and natural disasters are not largely contributed by human activity of CO2 generation, but by geodynamic processes occurring in the Earth's interior.

As being Rotarians in the 5D Portal admin team, we have received the video link of the conference held in Atlanta on October 15, 2022.

English video👇(for other languages, click☝)

It is a long video about climate change, what we have done to the environment, what is happening on the planet Earth, etc.

The remarkable thing is that the information we had received were backed by these scientific studies. For instance, the Earth axis will change and many natural disasters will happen, every 12,000 years our solar system encounters the Photon Belt as it orbits around the Central Sun (Alcyone) in Pleiades, etc. that were informed to us long ago. Actually, the Photon Belt was not mentioned in the video but the neutrinos that have affected the Earth core magnetic dynamo as explained in the video appear to be emitted from the Photon Belt.

In the video, there is a statement about "Mariana Trench". The scientists predict that the major eruption of magma from Mariana Trench and subsequent huge seismic activities will devastate the Earth.