Friday, December 2, 2022

2022 Winter Solstice - December 21st

The winter solstice of 2021 was the day when 5D and 3D orientation separated in consciousness. Ones in 5D consciousness and ones in 3D consciousness still mingle physically in the Earth society.

There is no right or wrong. There are no judgements good or bad.

Ones in 5D consciousness have continued to endeavor letting go of 3D habits and living in unity. Ones who choose to remain in 3D consciousness can also be inspired and participate in building a new reality.

Until the winter solstice in 2022 we are in the midst of an updraft of ascending energy of 5D Earth and the Universe. The 5D Portal channeler received a message that 12/21/2022 is the day when our 3D reality ends and a huge opportunity to ascend to 5D reality while having our physical bodies.

Those in 5D consciousness should be able to do it, as they have introspected deep down their minds in mindful meditation from long before. 

You may experience something drastic that are unwanted in the 3D point of view (pain, suffering, etc.) but they are part of the processes, and they should be welcomed, according to the channeled source.

The key is to rely on your Heart. All other thoughts are from your mind that lead back to 3D. When you notice something that you still act in 3D mind, just let it go. You do not have to attach your emotion to it. Just notice it and let it go.

Wishing you to have a wonderful experience on this coming Winter Solstice. Let us be Light to guide all in Unity.

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