Sunday, December 4, 2022

Upcoming Cataclysms

Do Not Believe The Hype! - CO2 Does Not Cause The Global Warming!

The notorious CO2 is said to be a greenhouse gas that raises the atmospheric and oceanic temperatures. Well, the sunlight in conjunction with the green house effect may warm up the ocean water up to 200 meters from the surface, or up to 700 meters if the convection is included. But how do you explain the temperature rise way deep in the ocean in such a massive scale?

There are many underwater volcanos that have been observed to be hyperactive since 1995. Especially in the west of Antarctica and Greenland, glaciers are melting from below. Many seismic activities there have also become aggressive.

Can human cause them? 

The atmospheric CO2 content is 400ppm (parts per million), that is 1 carbon dioxide in 10,000 molecules of other substances. CO2 in the air is almost nothing, even if it is increased by 12% of human cause. In fact, CO2 has cooling effect in the contrary.

The climate change is obviously not anthropogenic. There are larger scale anomalies going on.

Geophysically, polar drifts have been observed and the Earth's magnetic field decreased by 9% in these 200 years. It means that the Earth core has been disturbed, and its dynamo that generates the magnetic field has been destabilized. 

The thinnest earth crust of about 5 km can be easily cracked open with the aggravated mantle plumes. When the ocean meets the magma, it induces a super hydraulic explosion.

On the other hand, a female Japanese cartoonist who has retired already often has premonitions, and she predicted the massive earthquake that struck North-East of Japan mainland on March 11, 2011, on her comic book published long before the event. Now she predicts a mega earthquake to happen in July 2025 around the area between Japan and the Philippines that could be catastrophic enough to deform their geographical shapes.

As in the video "Future of Humanity" the scientists are most concerned about the Mariana Trench that could bring apocalypse if a super hydraulic explosion occurs there. The scientists mathematically calculated the event to happen by October 2036, if we do nothing.

The entire coverage of the climate change and how it leads to apocalypse can be seen in this Video.

The volunteer scientists of the Creative Society team used only the publicly available data in the video. It means that their mathematical model is factual and anyone can verify the consequence.

The mainstream media in the current consumerist society would not unveil the information. There are several reasons. One is to avoid global panic. The major reason would be to protect the benefits of sponsoring giants that control energy, fuel and other fundamental businesses. They keep telling us a lie that nothing will happen to us or green energy is the key to reduce CO2 emission, etc.

As explained in the Video, anthropogenic CO2 emission cannot cause the climate change that we are facing right now.

The similar phenomenons have been repeating every 12,000 years. In Younger Dryas, which is around 12,000 years ago, there was a consecutive temperature increase of 15 degrees Celsius in a short period of time, as well as numerous volcanic eruptions and drastic sea level rise. Significant changes of the Earth magnetic field were also observed.

Furthermore, those phenomenons have been more prominent and devastating in every 24,000-year cycle and this time is in the 24,000-year cycle. Yet, we human beings have destructed our environment and the Earth's immunity has been significantly weakened. 

The Photon Belt

Although the Creative Society team did not mention, but there is another information from different sources relevant to the cause of the cyclical climate change.

The photon belt is an electromagnetic field ring in donut form that lays perpendicular to the orbits of the solar systems including ours that revolve around the Central Sun called Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation.

Our solar system runs a half orbital circle in 10,000 years plus 2,000 years of passage through the Photon Belt. That coincides with the 12,000-year cycle.

The rays of unknown energy that have affected the core of the Earth could be identified as these photons in the belt, as the Earth in its entire orbit entered there.

In the November forum held by the Creative Society, one of the volunteer scientists stated that:

"Between 2003 and 2013 there was a critical decrease in proton charge radius of the hydrogen atom by 4%."

So what? What the he-- does it supposed to mean, anyway?

The most of us do not understand it but should be able to feel something significant is happening now on the Earth. Many have already experienced unprecedented loss of friends, relatives and properties due to the disasters caused by the climate change. 

Solution to Survive

Is there a way to survive these cataclysms?

The only solution would be to get everything back in our hands. Yes, us people.

We need to know the truth and awaken. We need to unite and rise. We need to create a universal society that is governed by us, the people.

Such model has already been formed and more and more people have become aware of the movement called Creative Society.

Creative Society

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