
Starseeds originate in other planets in the galaxy. It means that home of their spirit is not the Earth.

Starseeds incarnated on the Earth to help Ascension of humanity while the majority of them have had to reincarnate many lifetimes to experience all the aspect of life.

Now is the time of the culmination that starseeds exert their abilities and fulfil their missions.

Some starseeds are still in a dormant stage in 3D consciousness and have not awaken to 5D reality yet.

Since the Ascension of Gaia has been 100% guaranteed as Light has conquered Dark at the higher realm, it is up to us when humanity ascends along with Her.

The role of starseeds is to bring 5D awareness to as many people as possible. The more people attain 5D awareness, the faster Ascension processes as Light of humanity intensifies.

The following messages from Galactic Federation (GF) will help those who seek guidance for awakening. 

Galactic Federation (GF) is a group of benevolent star families such as Pleiadians, Andromedans, Lyrans, Sirians and Arcturians. Below is a compilation of the insightful messages from Aurora Ray, who is an ambassador of GF that she claims.

Dear ones,  

Each person has a past, and this forms their current reality. But when you want something different in your life, you have to leave this place behind.

Yes, you heard that right. You have to drop your whole past. It's the only way to leave linear time and enter the 5th Dimension.

You can compare ascension with floating and becoming lighter and lighter in water. Achieving the lightness of the soul is like leaving behind your past and throwing it into fire, or drowning yourself in water. You will see that the "ego" will then disappear.

The ego is the continuity of the past, everything you've done, everything you've accumulated, all of your karmas, conditionings, desires, and dreams.

Holding on to the ‘Past’ is the equivalent of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Whatever you do, unless you are willing to let go of the past, your life will follow the same pattern.

People can’t just come here with their human baggage and expect to move into the higher 5th dimensional plane of existence. This place is different. You have to be vaporized and reformed.

In the 3rd dimension, as you know it, time is a straight line. In 5D, there is no time; there is only the NOW. The 5th dimension isn’t a movement of time, rather a movement of consciousness.

Consciousness is the present, awareness, it is the pure witness of what is happening this moment. Consciousness is the eternal part of you. It does not accumulate anything. It is always new and fresh.

It's not concerned with your past or future, but with the Now. The Now is the only time that exists because it's the only time that's real. In fact, if you're reading this right now, you're probably living in the Now.

The ego is created by your past memories: who you are, where you came from, to whom you belong, your country, race, religion, family, tradition, and all the sorrows, wounds, and pleasures that have happened to you in the past. 

This must be fully recognized. Your ego is nothing more than a memory of the past. It isn't, however, YOU. YOU're surrounded by your ego. However, at the core of your being, YOU are pure consciousness, free of any ego.

When you let go of your past and your ego, you are climbing from 3D to 5D at the very same time. This is what the resurrection means.

That is why a child appears to be the most curious, fresh, and vital. Because there is no past, no karma, and no ego in a child. It's a state of mindlessness. A child consciously moves from one moment to the next.

You will never grow old if you let go of your past. You will always remain young and fresh, as fresh as a rose bloom. Because this is a spirit resurrection into 5D, you will always be a child and innocent.

Refocus your attention. Live in the present moment and learn to let go of the past. If you know how to let go of the past, you will be able to live each moment fully and pure.

The past simply means that you are clinging to something that no longer exists while avoiding the present. You know deep down that it is no longer there, that it has passed away, and that the new has arrived. But you still want to act as if it is still there, you deceive yourself with the comfort zone.

But such deceit simply eliminates any chances of being joyous, living, and entering into the present moment. This causes a lot of anxiety and a lot of division.

Get rid of the past. Allowing it to interfere with your present is not a smart option. Allow it to be no longer there once you've worked through it.

Don't cling to the past, it is now passed. Don't go into the future, it has not yet arrived. You are now here. In this moment, in this space. This is where you exist. Be here now.

Ignore the past. Make a conscious effort to raise your awareness to the now moment. Your past is filled with darkness. Bring yourself into the light of the present moment.

At this present moment, you are at a point where you can either ascend to the fifth dimension or descend into the third. It lies in your hands.

We are here to remind you that you are not what you perceive yourself to be. We are here to help you open your hearts, minds, and souls to the experience of wholehearted living.

We welcome you to the fifth dimension. You are about to embark on an adventure that will take you into higher consciousness and assist you in connecting with your true-self!

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation


Dear beloved family of light,

The Galactic Federation is an association of multiple civilizations comprised of galactic races that are also living on this Earth with humanity.

The reason behind our existence is to elevate planetary consciousness, not just for Earth's inhabitants but also for all inhabitants of the Universe.

To achieve this, we had to use different tools. The first thing that humanity has to realize is that there is no time like the present. Some people think that change is impossible, and the longer they wait, the longer they will take to become aware of their own power.

Reaching a level of consciousness where you realize you have control over your reality is your natural state. Everything is under your control in this state.

It means you are consciously choosing to become aware of everything. You are becoming a conscious creator.

This is not magic in the sense of pulling rabbits out of hats or making money appear out of thin air. This is magic in the sense that you are purposefully shifting your frequency to create what you want.

You have been operating from one and the same frequency for a very long time. It is time to switch the dial and tune in to a new frequency. One in which all things are possible.

When you become conscious creators, you begin to perceive the interconnectedness of all things. You see how everything is actually a part of your consciousness, and that you can manifest it into different forms by thinking about it in a different way.

When you shift your consciousness from being uncreative to creative, it has a domino effect. Then you will become aware of the potential that exists inside you, just waiting to be brought into your awareness.

Raising your consciousness means being able to consciously work with the forces of creation rather than being victims of circumstances.

You will be overjoyed when you receive something you have wished for or when you receive a piece of good news. It is a normal part of your lives. Even if the good news you received is false, you will be happier because you believe it to be true until you learn the truth. As a result, happiness does not come from things or circumstances outside of one's control.

It comes from within you, from your consciousness, as you've shifted your consciousness to that specific frequency. The external circumstance is merely a tool that assists you in tuning in to that frequency. It's merely a pretext for you to enter that happy state of mind.

Success and happiness have nothing to do with each other. Happiness has nothing to do with ambition, nor does it have anything to do with wealth, power, or status. It's a completely different world. Happiness is something related to your level of consciousness. It is related to letting go and relaxing.

Searching for happiness is an exercise of futility. As long as you are trying to find what will make you happy, it means you are missing it. Happiness comes not by finding what will make you happy but by finding happiness within yourself.

The majority of people continue to seek happiness through external means. They stop chasing after they get that thing. They're relaxed. They have calm. They are happy. However, it is only a matter of time. They'll start chasing something else once more. They became tense once more. Again, they become relaxed and happy for a short period of time after receiving that thing. It is a continuing process.

It's completely absurd. Because they created the tension by chasing something, they are the source of it. And they look for ways to relieve tension so that they can relax and be happy.

Happiness, on the other hand, is here now and requires no conditions. Happiness is a natural emotion. There are no rules and regulations for your happiness. Maintain your happiness for no apparent reason. There's no need to look for a reason to be happy. Simply be happy. Just know that this is how to play with your consciousness.

Turning water into wine isn't necessary. If you drink water joyfully while maintaining your pure consciousness, the water will transform into wine. You will be able to enjoy the joy of wine by simply drinking water. It's just a mental state.

Raise your consciousness. Life is happening right now. It is to be lived. Live it wholeheartedly, consciously, and joyfully.

When mass consciousness rises, the Earth has the potential to transform into a world of peace, harmony, and unity.

We are ready to provide you the tools you need to awaken from the deepest levels of yourself – from joy to embodied love, from knowing your authentic self to goodness and service. As you do this, you contribute to raising consciousness and creating a better planet.


A Starseed's Purpose On Earth

This Earth is a very special planet and a very special place in the universe.

It is the place chosen by God, who made it evolve to this point so that it can become a new star in the infinite universe.

This planet is a microcosm of the universe and is destined to eventually be reborn again.

Starseeds are here to help this planet evolve to the point of rebirth. A Starseed is a being who is seeded on Earth from other Star systems.

They can understand life at a different, higher level, and they can help the Earth evolve to a higher dimension, so that life on Earth will be a beautiful experience for everyone.

Since the universe began, starseeds have traveled through many different star systems and taken many forms so that eventually, they became human. They are here to assist the people on Earth in the transition of current society to a Starseed society.

They carry more advanced DNA strands, which help them access higher consciousness. Starseeds are those who awaken their Kundalini and activate their DNA with much more ease than humans and therefor have the capability to show others the way.

They are here help humanity awaken the Kundalini by activating the DNA and higher consciousness of humans.

The Kundalini awakening is a spiritual experience that will open your third eye, activate your DNA, and raise your vibration. It will strengthen your connection to your higher self, your higher consciousness, and to your star family.

The Kundalini energy will awaken your spiritual energy, and when it does, it can produce many spiritual and physical changes.

Many people experience increased spiritual connection, telepathic abilities, telepathic communication with the Divine, increased intuition, psychic abilities, increased psychic power, increased psychic ability, and psychic visions.

Most people experience improved physical stamina, increased physical activity, increased energy, increased mental focus, increased creativity, increased intuition, increased memory, increased psychic abilities, increased healing abilities, improved sleep, and lucid dreaming.

The awakening process can take many different forms. In some cases, the Starseed/DNA activation people awaken others through meditation, lucid dreaming, or spiritual experiences.

The whole cosmos is filled with energy, which moves in a variety of ways and forms. This same energy is performing as kundalini energy.

Energy exists in two forms: manifested and unmanifested. It may either stay in the seed or emerge as a physical form.

In Sanskrit, Kundalini means "coiled," which denotes that the energy is in a coiled form as unmanifested. It's just a seed for most people; it's a possibility.

Kundalini awakening is a process that allows you to realize your full potential.

For many people, only a small portion of it is normally operational. Even that portion isn't working in harmony; it's in a state of conflict. That is the suffering.

You will experience joy if your energies can work in harmony. All suffering indicates that your energy is in conflict, while all blissfulness indicates that your energy is in balance.

One thing is required by society, while another is required by your spirit.

There is a contradiction between social and personal needs. Morality and religion have their own set of standards, as does society. You haven't been able to unite as a whole because of these disputes. You've become fragmented as a result of what they've done to you.

And if you're not in tune with yourself, your energy will turn against you. Energy requires movement, and that movement is always from the unmanifest to the manifest, from seed to tree, and from darkness to light.

Only when your life force is in motion, integrated, not fragmented, can you find bliss and beauty. Kundalini is what happens when your energy comes together in a harmonic way.

Kundalini is just a technical name for your whole energy system when it is in a state of oneness and absence of conflict.

When energy is in conflict, you want to find a way to relive them. When you throw them off, your vitality, or life force, flows downward or outward. The downhill movement is outward, whereas the ascending movement is within.

You may feel pleasure and relief while you are expending energy, but the relaxation is just temporary since you are a continuous supply of energy. Energy builds up again, and you'll have to expel it once again.

Human beings' natural condition is anti-kundalini. Because you are going in that direction, energy flows from the center to the perimeter.

When the energy moves from perimeter to the center, it is blissful, while the outer movement is both pleasure and sorrow - there will be moments of happiness and moments of sorrow.

Happiness, in fact, does not exist in outer movement; rather, it is simply the absence of sorrow for a brief moment. That absence is seen as happiness.

Kundalini awakening aims to transform this ridiculous circumstance into something meaningful. You will then be transported to the Fifth Dimension - the world of ultimate bliss!

You should not aim for awakening the kundalini energy on your own but choose an experienced teacher to hold the space for you while you perform practices that may trigger the rising of the kundalini as it can be an unexpected and intense experience.


You will now understand that you are the master, and your thoughts and emotions are only choices.

All of the answers are already inside of you.


Watching is a property of your consciousness, not a quality of your mind. When you watch, your mind stops, and you transcend your mind, plunging into the ultimate ecstasy you have never known.


Taming Your Wild Mind

There are two ways to look at the mind: one is to see it as a thing, a tool, an object; the other is to see it as a process, a movement of energy.

Trying to understand your mind in the first way will tend to reinforce your sense of self, but trying to understand your mind in the second way will tend to dissolve your sense of self.

The problem with seeing the mind as an object is that you might start thinking that you're wrong, broken, or defective if your mind misbehaves in certain ways. You might think that there is something wrong with you because you can't stop yourself from being angry, or you can't stop yourself from having unkind thoughts about other people.

That's unfortunate because it leads to blaming yourself for problems over which you have little control. It also leads to seeing mental health issues as moral failings instead of biological ones – which reinforces stigma and makes people hesitant to seek help.

Trying to see your mind as a process or movement of energy—something that flows through you—takes all of this onus off yourself.

Once you start to become an observer of the mind, you will begin to see that there are a lot of strange and even contradictory thoughts that flow through the mind. Thoughts that come from your conditioning, from other people's influence, from your upbringing and culture. You see, a lot of the thoughts aren't really "you" at all.

Train your own mind by learning to be an objective observer. When the thought comes up, just say to yourself, "Oh, I'm having that thought again. Okay, so now I will observe it. Where did it come from? What else is going on right now? How is my body feeling as I have this thought? "

And when you learn to be an impartial observer of the mind, you can watch the thoughts come and go without getting caught up in them or believing they are really you. You can watch them like an outsider would watch someone else having weird thoughts—which gives you tremendous freedom from being reactive or conditioned in your thinking. Instead of believing everything your mind says, simply observe and question it: Who is thinking this thought? Is this thought true for me? Where did this thought come from?

It's as simple as sitting by the side of a river and watching the water flow past to become an observer of the currents of thought that run through your mind. Alternatively, while someone sits in the woods and observes the birds soaring through the sky, simply sit and observe.

Tune into your thinking mind and see what you find. You may find yourself surprised at the way it works. When you think about something, do you automatically believe it? The thoughts that pass through your mind originate in your consciousness. They are not you; they are simply thoughts – things that happen to you.

So start noticing when a thought enters your mind and ask yourself what it is that's happening. For example, if you're thinking about getting up from this chair to make yourself a cup of tea, what exactly happens? A thought comes into your mind about making a cup of tea. The moment it arrives, do you believe it? Did you know that most people don't question their own thoughts? But why should you believe every thought that enters your mind?

I would like to ask you a question:

What do you think about when you first wake up in the morning?

Do you have any thoughts or images in your mind?

If so, what are they?

Do you believe that your thoughts and images are real?

Do you believe that your thoughts and images are permanent?

Do you believe in your thoughts and images, even though they change from moment to moment?

How do thoughts and images come into being?

How do they arise and vanish from your consciousness, uninvited?

At the beginning stages of practicing this exercise, you will find it difficult to be an observer of your mind. You will have a tendency to believe everything your mind thinks.

The reason this happens is that we have been conditioned to believe everything our minds think. Being an observer of your mind is a new way of thinking that can feel awkward and uncomfortable at first.

But with time, patience, and practice, you will begin to see the benefits of being an impartial observer of your thoughts.

This simple exercise teaches you how to stop giving so much power over yourself to the contents of your own mind. As you learn to do this, the more power you will gain over the contents of your own mind.

Once you allow the momentum of your mind to slow down and eventually calm, you will begin to get a glimpse into what I call your True Nature. It is not the conditioned self-image that you have created but the deeper layer of awareness underneath.

Tune out of the speeding train of thought, break off your identification with the voice in your head, and you will begin to experience yourself as pure awareness – without judgment or opinion. This is where your true freedom lies.

Meditation is the best way to calm the mind and open your heart to God.

There's a lot of disagreement about what meditation is. Some spiritual traditions criticize meditation as something that separates you from the rest of the world. But this isn't true: when you meditate, you're doing nothing more than training your mind to focus on something that matters to you. You are not separating yourself because it's only by focusing down on something in this way that you can discover who and what lies behind all the thoughts and distractions that fill our heads.

Tuning back into yourself while tuning out the rest of the world is not a bad thing – it's an essential part of being present and awake.

The simple fact is that most of us go through life reacting to everything we feel, think, or experience. We are slaves to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations. In this state, we are not in control of our lives. We react to the world around us, and as a result, we create more problems for ourselves and others.

Trying to change without gaining some distance from your thoughts is like trying to bale water out of a leaky boat by scooping it up with another leaky bucket.

When you were young, you were probably taught that thoughts are an expression of your mind. In reality, they are not, and the distinction is a very important one to understand.

Treating thoughts as an expression of the mind makes you believe that there is a "you" behind them – and this causes you to feel the need to control them. You forget that they are just a passing parade of sensations, emotions, and thoughts.

You have no control over what passes through your mind. It's not up to you whether or not something will cross your mind at any given moment. Thoughts just pop up, seemingly out of nowhere. And yet, most people believe that they are responsible for them.

It can be easy to fall into the trap of believing that we have some control over our thinking processes: "I really should think about such and such," or "I have been thinking about this for far too long." But these types of statements reflect an incorrect assumption about the nature of the mind and its relationship with thoughts, which can cause unnecessary suffering.

With this practice, it is helpful to regard thoughts as neutral phenomena – neither good nor bad – in order to distance yourself from their content and resist judging yourself for having certain thoughts.

After you master the method of being an observer of your thoughts, you will learn who you truly are and what your true self is. Your entire life transforms as a result of that realization. And then miracles begin to happen. At that very moment, the Fifth Dimension will be ready to welcome you.


Often, when we get caught up in life situations that feel challenging, we tend to focus on what's going wrong. Instead, refocus on what's going right. This will change your perspective as well as attract more of what feels good to you and, thus, have a positive impact on others.


Become The Emperor On The Throne In Your Own House

Dear ones,

Throughout the ages, men and women have sought to cultivate their spiritual side. According to Buddhist belief, the mind is like a mirror that we must constantly polish in order to ensure it is always clean and clear. If we do not, we remain unable to see our true selves clearly and therefore fail to understand the conditions of our existence.

The mind is the major instrument in the world. It is the mind that has created this whole universe. The body is just a vehicle for it, a conveyance. Unless you can control your mind, you can not do anything about this world. And the first step in controlling the mind is to know how it functions, how thoughts arise and how they are destroyed. In the beginning, you have to be very alert about it because there is a constant battle going on between you and your mind — and if you don't watch out, you will be defeated.

The mind consists of two parts: one part remains in the present moment; the other part goes back into memory and imagination. Thoughts are nothing more than wordless images or sensations that have been photographed in the past; these photographs are stored in your brain's memory center, and when they flash on the screen of your mind again, they produce the exact same feeling that they produced before. That is why thought always gives rise to emotion.

It is one of the best-kept secrets that we have in mind. It is a visitor who thinks itself to be ours, but yet it is not ours. As a matter of fact, the mind is like the inner artist within us that creates the entire story based on assumptions and traces of memory, past experiences, and traumas.

The first thing to learn is that you are not your thoughts, nor are you your emotions—you are awareness itself. And there will be some distance between yourself and your thoughts and emotions as long as there is awareness; otherwise, there may be no awareness at all.

Mindfulness is the art of creating space in mind and stopping it from functioning in a habitual manner, so we are actually aware of what we are thinking and how we see the world. It's all about being present, being aware and letting go. This is why it can be so hard to master. But when you do feel like you have mastered mindfulness, it can bring a profound change to your life.

Beware of the mind; it is not the real you. It is just a series of thoughts, images, and desires. It is like having a stranger dwell in your own home. Be spying on it, watching it, following it. Every moment becomes alert and watchful, alert and watchful. Don't fight the mind—this too is a desire. And be aware of yourself: don't go on cherishing yourself—this too is desire, a subtle form of self-cherishing—because there is no self to cherish at all.

The mind is simply a bundle of thoughts, feelings, and sensual perceptions. It is like an acquaintance that has taken up residence in your home. Instead of being intimidated, befriend the mind and gain mastery over it.

The mind is a friend, a helpful guide on the path, but it must be kept under careful control. Be friendly and avoid attachments such as rationalizing or clinging to them. It will help you to see things clearly rather than just from one side.

Don't let the mind deceive you; it cannot be perfect. It is working against you and manipulating others to achieve its own ends.

Do not identify with your thoughts. They can not define you. You are infinite awareness, pure consciousness.

Stay alert. Thoughts are just thoughts. Don't get attached to them. Watch it come and go; watch yourself react to it. Remember, you are not your thoughts; they are not you.

Do not follow this thought or that thought, but watch the space between the thoughts. And don't go on fighting with thoughts: they are not real, and they cannot be destroyed.

This is the process of watching. That is aloneness. That is meditation. Once you are able to watch any phenomenon as if it were a movie, you can be free of it. Then it does not matter whether it is anger, or greed, or lust, or hatred—it does not matter because it is a phenomenon; learn to watch. Just by watching, the energy will be transformed. You will be free of it. And this watching doesn't demand any effort at all; it is not like doing something — just don't do anything to it. And slowly, slowly, there comes a moment when you are so full of light and joy that your whole being becomes a prayer—without words, without effort.

A person who can watch without being drawn into anything that is passing is called an emperor/empress. If you can watch without being involved in any way whatsoever—that's what awareness means—then you are the emperor on the throne in your own house.


From duality to unity


Let go of fear, anger, and blame.

As we move to higher levels of consciousness, it becomes easier to let go of negative emotions such as fear (which is often caused by lack of trust), anger (which results from feeling violated), and blame (when someone else seems responsible for our problems).


To listen to the messages of the higher mind is, to go up the mountain, and see it all.

Forget about the outcome. Act on your passion, follow your bliss, and the path leading up to the top will be lightened before you.

And, when you understand that insisting on the outcome you want is, rather than freedom, a limitation, then the resistance will dissolve. And your allowing will begin.


The Fifth Dimension is also about seeing life on Earth as an opportunity rather than just a situation to be dealt with. 

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