Saturday, December 17, 2022

Creative Society - Essential Technologies Recap

The Creative Society team says that these technologies such as replicators, utilizers, free energy generators, medbeds, rejuvenation or anti-aging capsules, nano-bots, etc. are available today and will prevail when the format of society is changed to the creative one.

Under the current format of society, which is money and power driven, only a few enjoy wealth and abundance in life. In the creative society model, everyone receives benefits from these technologies that enable elemental particle transformation, nano-level medical advancements and AI based robotics that eliminates manual labor.

Our 5D Portal admin team has also been informed about similar technological advancements through the channelers of the Galactic Federation that consists of extraterrestrial beings from Lyra, Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda and Arcturus. The concept of the creative society is likely of the 5th dimension and came from the Galactic Federation.

These technologies are already available on the advanced planets with highly evolved consciousness. 

We, however, need to remember that technologies cannot be used for the evolution of our consciousness.

The Galactic Federation is showing us the way to overcome the climate change and how we unite to transform the society on New Earth that is in the 5th dimension.

We can create a public demand to change the structure of the society.

We human beings need to do our own part to change, raise the awareness and the collective energy, and unite as one.

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