Friday, December 23, 2022

Opening Heart Prayer

Sometimes we forget that we are spiritual beings. We have physical bodies to maintain, and thus our mind have been busy struggling to survive in the outer world. We forget that our essence is spirit, the pure consciousness of God (Love).

Our hearts are the portal to 5D consciousness, the gate to the kingdom of heaven where unity and oneness is in Love.

Prayer to Open Your Heart

Absence of mind, Presence of God
Absence of mind, Presence of God
Absence of mind, Presence of God

God's Love flow through my being, through my heart
I thank my mind that has served me to deal with the worldly matters.
As it is limited to myself, it has also created fear and resentment.
I do not have to believe what my mind tells me.
I do not have to be responsible for my thoughts.
When emotions arise, I do not have to attach to my thoughts, as they are not real.

I accept everything that is provided to me.
I now surrender my whole being to God and leave everything to God's Love.

I AM God
I AM Love
I AM Light
I AM The True Self

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