Friday, December 30, 2022

5D New Year - How to Raise Vibration in 5D

(This guidance is for those who have already been in the 5D frequencies, the ones who have introspected their innermost-self and been working on letting all the unnecessary 3D ways go.)

To raise your vibration, energy or frequency in the 5th dimension is simple. 

We have been educated, taught and experienced all the limitations of the 3rd dimensional physical reality. We are so accustomed to the ways they work in the 3D. And therefore, we have forgotten how everything works in the 5D or higher.

In the 5th dimension, there is no difference between what happens and what is imagined.

In other words, your imagination and your reality are the same.

Whatever in your imagination is what you will experience.

It means that when you resonate with your highest goals or ideas in your imagination, the same frequency events in resonance are attracted.

It also does not have to be an imagination. For example, when you watch a movie and your heart is inspired, touched or excited, you are vibrating in a higher frequency in 5D. Constantly staying in the higher frequencies manifests resonated events in your reality.

Therefore, in 5D reality, you do not have to study hard nor make painful efforts to raise your vibration like you did in 3D. You just need to be out of separation and be the whole unity.

The wisdom from the Universal mind, aka Akashic Records, and the grace of Love will come to you when you resonate in unity.

Do not seek answers outside. The answers are always inside. Your heart is the key to directing your vibration frequency. 

There are many books, seminars and online information available today, but seeking answers in the outer sources is the 3D way. Know that you are connected to the Source within, that is the 5D.

Do not let your old 3D mind tell you that it is impossible.

You can create anything and any reality, just by imagining it. Isn't it wonderful?

A Happy 5D New Year!!

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