Saturday, January 7, 2023

Pleiadian Protocols - Removing Pain | Removing Viruses | Raising Energy | Increasing Light

Pleiadians among the Galactic Federation members are advanced in medical fields. Their technologies include Medbeds that cure any kind of illnesses or physical distortions and repair DNA and Rejuvenation Capsules that enhance telomerase to restore all the body cells, enabling ones to be at any age desired.

These technologies will be introduced when our collective consciousness energy reaches to certain level, enough to make 5D New Earth realities.

Until then, we still need to wait, but there are some remedies.

Since years ago, Pleiadians have experimentally initiated protocols that provide certain healing effects to human beings. They are accessible to anyone who knows how to activate them.

Here is what the protocols are. Say each command three times. In each protocol, lay down and allow 20 to 30 minutes for healing process.

When you have chronic pain:

Command PB Stardust

Command PB Stardust

Command PB Stardust

Removing viruses:

Command RCV Stardust

Command RCV Stardust

Command RCV Stardust

When you feel your vibration, frequency or consciousness energy is down:

Command 771 (seven seven one)

Command 771

Command 771

When you need Light:

Command 1221 (twelve twenty one)

Command 1221

Command 1221

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