Monday, January 30, 2023

If You Do Not Have to Work...

It has been a usual practice that you need to earn money to live in this world. It is so common and basic understanding, so we do not even question why we need money.

Yes, money can buy food, clothes and houses that are necessary for us to survive. Without money, you cannot travel, or you cannot get medical services. You will be down on the street like a dirt, unable to do anything.

All of this, however, is only in the society we live. The current format that has been developed is consumerist society, which is money and power driven.

The more money you have and the higher position you are posted, the more respect you will receive and the more power you will exert.

Yes, it has been like that, you might say. Nobody questions about it.

Let us take a look at an example. A man owned a coal mine in the 1950s. He was enjoying the business and all the workers were happy with their income. In the 1960s, oil has taken over coal as a major source of energy and the owner had to close down the mine. He was concerned about all the workers and their families and had decided to change their business platform to tourism.

His persistency and efforts lead the new business to be very successful. This is a good example of such a responsible business owner in the consumerist society.

Now, fossil fuel has been the major source of energy for a long time. We know that there are other sources of energy available. The technologies even include fuel free generator and renewable free energy.

If we shift the energy to them in the current format of society, what would happen?

All the people who work in the power plants will be laid off and their families will be severely suffered. Not only that, the industry which clings to the lucrative structure of money generator will resist the shift of energy in full force.

This is the dilemma of current consumerist society.

Then, what needs to be done to enjoy abundance and ideal world that we can live?

First, we need to voice that we want to integrate the society to self-governance. Instead of just a few politicians make decisions, we people can directly participate in decision-making or legislature.

With self-governance based on the basic rights of humanity in the constitution, may it be possible to equally distribute money. And all the technologies that enhance quality of life without harming the environment will be released.

In the self-governance, there will be a basic monthly income of $10,000 for everyone. How is it possible? You can take a look at this video to understand how it works.

With the basic monthly income of $10,000 (in the universal currency), you technically do not have to work. But how long can you sit in the room and do nothing? Human beings are designed to use their own talents to contribute to others. If you choose to work, perhaps only 4 hours a day, 4 days a week will do.

Does it sound too good to be true?

There is a project called Creative Society.

It is probably the only way to get out of the consumerist format of society and end slavery-like daily living. More profoundly, shifting to Creative Society probably is the best way to counter the climate disaster we are facing and human beings to survive.

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