Monday, January 23, 2023

Robby Wells Running for American Presidency in 2024

Robby Wells is probably the only presidency candidate of the United States who understands the concept and importance of Creative Society.

He understands that it is impossible to alter the climate Cerberus that would destroy the earth and all people on her in the next decade, if we continue to live in the power and money driven consumerist format of society.

In his speech, he said that he would be the last President of the United States of America. It means that he really intends to build a self-government, which is the core model of the Creative Society and give all the power back to people, as there will be no more politics, no corruption, no manipulation and no boarders to divide in countries.

In other words, politicians who support the Creative Society like him are needed now and during the transition period. After the Creative Society is built, there will be a self-government and politicians are no longer needed.

We can say that America is the most influential country in the world today. Therefore, it is important to elect political leaders like him who support Creative Society.

I was not particularly impressed about his comments about Putin would be well-supported in the United States if he runs for American presidency, but it makes sense that he runs as an individual and not from the major parties as he first likes to unite the country.

It is my hope that more and more candidates like him will run for elections in the world.

We see poverty, wars, deprivation, violence, injustice and so many problems in the current consumerist format of society. We know that it is a dead-end road, but we accept it as our standard. We can, however, change it, by only electing politicians who support the Creative Society

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