Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Love, Intuition & Ascension

The insights are from Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation.

This is not to say that there is no wrong in the world. There is. But who are you to interfere with any structure? All structures have been given by nature. You cannot be the one who will change them. You can only love, but you cannot interfere with the way things are being done around you. "Love and allow." This is the only teaching of all religions and of all sages. Allow things to be.

Always remember that love flows from God, so do not try to force it outside. Find the source within yourself. When you claim to love someone from outside, then it becomes a fake game. So the inner journey has to be continued, and the outer journey may follow as part of nature's law.

Even the smallest effort put into the idea of love will make a world of difference in your life and the lives of those around you.

Intuition is one of the most powerful tools we have as humans. There are many things that we can do to make our dreams a reality. However, intuition is one of the most important tools for reaching your goals.

Intuition is the feeling of knowing something without reasoning it out or logically proving it. It's often described as a voice inside of you that tells you things that are not logical, but are true in your heart and soul.

Intuition simply knows something without being able to explain why or how you know it.

 Our society has been programmed to believe that thinking things through logically is the only way to deal with life's problems and make decisions. But this couldn't be farther from the truth!

The reason why everyone needs to learn how to use their intuition is that it allows us to live happier lives by making better decisions, which leads us closer to our goals and dreams faster than if we relied solely on logic alone.

Intuition is a gift that everyone has, but most people do not know how to use it.

Intuition is your sixth sense. It's the ability to know what's right or wrong without any reason or evidence. It is something that has been described as a knowing in your heart, and it's something that we all have.

Many believe that if they don't feel things happening exactly the way they want them to, then they aren't real or true.

Our intuition knows better than we do.

It is about recognizing our inner awareness and following our hearts because that is where the truth lives and the answers lie.

It is simply a matter of identifying the clues that show up in everyday life, especially those that contradict mainstream beliefs.

The journey to adjust your mindset takes time.

By trusting yourself more and listening to your intuition, you will live a life more in line with your values. Instead of being pulled around by the external forces of society, you'll have an anchor that guides you toward what is most important to you.

Ascension is not about being perfect. It's about being human. It's about being brave enough to step into the unknown and trusting that your higher self will show you the way.

The fifth dimension is moving faster than we are comfortable with. It's changing us on a cellular level, and we don't like it.

We are afraid of being pushed out of our comfort zones.

The fifth dimension is about how we experience life through our hearts instead of our heads, and how we create a life that reflects who we are inside.

The fifth dimension is not a place. It is a state of being, an encounter. It is a place that you are moving through, but it's not a destination.

The easiest way to understand this is to think of the fifth dimension as your heart. Your heart is a great thing—it gives you access to all the resources in the universe.

Think with your heart, feel with your heart, and speak with your heart. Believe that we are ONE, not because there is nothing else out there beyond us, but because we are the same source expressed in many different ways.

The movement from three-dimensional frequency to 5D frequency will be a tumultuous time for most people. How we deal with this time will determine our future on this ascending planet.

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