Thursday, February 9, 2023

Free Energy - Fuel Free Power Generators Are Here Already

Creative Society mentioned that FFG (Fuel Free Generator) was already available.

Well, to confirm its validity of the statement, I researched through the web and found the one that appears to be authentic. 

The rotor uses neodymium magnets and bifilar coils, and the design seems to be very simple. This particular prototype generates 10kW/h, which probably would be enough for small household use.

It requires initial starter electricity for the rotor to run at least 1,500rpm, then it loads up its own electricity for the rotor spin and generates excess electricity. Its efficiency is said to be 300%.

The following mini version requires only manual rotation by hand once initially and spins its own afterward, making up to 6,000rpm and generates up to 1kW/h.

For your quick reference, here is the clipped video from Creative Society showing about FFG.

As described in this video, if FFG prevails in every single home with the current consumerist model of society, the entire power industry including green energy such as wind, hydraulic and solar, will collapse and millions of employees and their families who work at the power plants will suffer.

That is why the Creative Society suggests changing the format of society itself first to the creative one.

The inventor in Zimbabwe, Maxwell Chikumbutsu, said that he was having a hard time even just getting a patent. His technology uses RF (Radio Frequency).

 He did not even go to high school. He claims that he received an image of the schematic blueprint from God. Well, it might have actually been a telepathic communication from our space friends, members of the Galactic Federation.

It is said that a smartphone today exceeds the capabilities of what the entire computer system of NASA could do when their first manned spaceflight landed on the moon in 1969. It is over 20 years passed after 21st century, we still depend on fossil fuel for generating electricity. Even the nuclear power uses the same alternator based on the electromagnetism discovered by Michael Faraday more than 200 years ago. You now know why there has not been any major revolution in the energy industry.

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