Creative Society

In the Earth Ascension time, we will physically experience havoc and natural disasters due to the affected earth core and pole misalignment in the 12,000-year cycle as described in 'Transformation'.

Are we all doomed to apocalypse without any solution to survive?

Despite the fact that we are facing such a critical situation of cataclysm, we are bogged down and struggling with daily lives. We are so busy thinking about day-to-day living. Nobody has time to think about the future of all humanity in planetary scale. That is our society now called "Consumerist Society".

Rich gets richer and poor becomes poorer. Only a fragment of people possess more than 70% of total wealth in the world. People who have more money have more power. Why do we accept such society? All people have rights to live humanly.

The supreme scientists who are currently captive under each nation for development of weaponry must be freed. We people must rise and unite as one.

We will need to overhaul our current reality completely where money, greed and a few of rich control everything, then transform to build a new reality of creative one that everything belongs to us people. 

Overview of The Creative Society

Creative Society is not a name of a particular organization, but is an international project, a movement or a model that each of us directly participates and creates. It is a format of society, perhaps based on the 5th dimensional concept, that has one government which is governed by the society, one currency, one nation where no country borders, no private banks, no deprivation, no manipulations exist. Such society in unity belongs directly to people.

How do we transform the existing consumerist format of society (3D) to the creative one (5D)?

  1. Information Stage
    Creative Society format should be propagated as much as possible.

  2. Political Stage
    We elect politicians who certainly adopt the 8 pillars of the creative society into the constitution.

  3. World Referendum

Changing The Electoral Platform

In the current electoral system, we elect politicians who pledge to enact voter's or party's interests, and we do not directly exercise the law. Sometimes or oftentimes, the elected politicians do not keep their promises and act upon their own interest or deflect focus from public benefits. 
However, recalling them is not feasible in the current system. As a result, we let them act like they rule the communities, while they are supposed to be public servants who are paid by our taxes.

In the creative format of society, we people have direct participation. A new electoral platform app is given to each individual, and we make decision on the proposed laws of one's interest. There will be no intermediate politicians involved, and the AI monitored electoral platform excludes all the manipulations and corruptions. Unlike our current consumerist format, a few groups of people with power and money cannot influence the system, as it belongs to the society itself (self-government).


    Human life is the highest value. Life of any Human has to be protected as one's own. The goal of society is to ensure and guarantee the value of each Human's life. There is not and never can there be anything else more valuable than a Human's life. If one Human is valuable, then all People are valuable!

    Every human is born with the right to be a Human being. All People are born free and equal. Everyone has the right to choose. There can be no one and nothing on Earth superior to a Human, his freedom and rights. The implementation of Human rights and freedoms must not violate the rights and freedoms of others.

    No one and nothing in society has the right to create threats to the life and freedom of a Human!
    Every Human is guaranteed free provision of essential life necessities, including food, housing, medical care, education and full social security.
    Scientific, industrial and technological activities of the society should be aimed exclusively at improving the quality of human life.
    Guaranteed economic stability: no inflation and crises, stable and same prices around the world, a single monetary unit, and a fixed minimal taxation or no tax.
    The security of Human and society from any kind of threats is ensured by the unified global service that deals with emergency situations.

    Every Human has the right to receive reliable information about the movement and distribution of public funds. Each Human has access to information about the status of implementation of the society’s decisions.
    The mass media belong exclusively to the society and reflect information truthfully, openly, and honestly.

    Ideology should be aimed at popularizing the best human qualities and stopping everything that is directed against a Human. The main priority is the priority of humanity, high spiritual and moral aspirations of a Human, humanness, virtue, mutual respect and strengthening of friendship.
    Creating conditions for the development and education of a Human with a capital “H”, cultivating moral values in each person and society.
    Prohibition of propaganda of violence, condemnation and denunciation of any form of division, aggression, and anti-humane manifestations.

    Every person in the Creative society has the right to comprehensive development and personal fulfillment.
    Education should be free and equally accessible to all. Creating conditions and expanding opportunities for a Human to implement his or her creative abilities and talents.

    All natural resources belong to Humans and are fairly distributed among all people. Monopolization of resources and their irrational use is prohibited. These resources are fairly distributed among the citizens of the entire Earth.
    A Human is guaranteed employment if he or she so desires. Pay for an identical position, specialty, or profession should be the same all over the world.
    Everyone has the right to private property and income, however within the limits of the individual's capitalization amount set by the society.

    The concept of "power" in the Creative society is absent, since the responsibility for society as a whole, its development, living conditions and harmonious format, lies with each Human.
    Everyone has the right to participate in the management of the affairs of the Creative society and in the adoption of laws that improve Human life.
    The solution of socially important, socially significant, and economic issues that affect the quality of a Human’s life is submitted for public discussion and voting (referendum).

What Is Money? - Money & Economy

Energy Must Be Free! - Fuel Free Generator

FFG (Fuel Free Generator) exists today, but will not prevail in the current consumerist format of society. 

Revolutionary Technologies After The Transition - Replicator & Utilizer

These technologies will be available when our desires for the movement to stop the consumerist format and build the creative society in unity reach enough energy level to make it happen. Replicators and Utilizers will become available after the transition period. During the transition from the current consumerist society to the creative society, AI robots will take over the manual laborious tasks.
This information coincides with the one given from the Galactic Federation.

Medical Advancement

The Galactic Federation informed about Medbeds and Rejuvenating Capsules and those are included in the video produced by the Creative Society. They can be visualized already.
Multi-trillion dollar industry treats people as customers in the current consumerist format of society. The revolutionary medical technologies such as nanobots and genome repair that are available today will be in access to everybody where people are empowered and rise in their self-governance in the creative society.

Life of Women

Exemplified life transformation in the view of women.

Full Video of November 12, 2022 International Online Forum

If you have time, please watch this 11-hour full video.
Many presenters in the forum appear to be members of the Galactic Federation. It convinces further that such 5D concept (The Creative Society) is likely given by the Galactic Federation.

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