Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Turkey & Syria - What Happened & Why It Is Happening

 It is heart breaking that our fellow human beings die and suffer in such devastating event. Even if you are alive, it is too cold to survive without shelters. 

Why such tormenting events keep happening on the Earth?
Is it a test for human beings?

The answers are in the video of the forum held by Creative Society.

Creative Society has explained and warned about potential catastrophes that are coming near future. It includes why it is happening, why it has had to happen and how to counter the climate disasters so that we can survive.

There have been many other climatic crisis happening all over the world.

Another example was in New Zealand:

In 5D point of view, the current system needs to be destroyed in order to build a new world, just like old buildings have to collapse and cleaned before building new houses.

If you really want to know what is going on the planet Earth, you will need to sit down and spend quite sometime to watch the following video:

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