Thursday, December 8, 2022

Climate Cerberus

Selection of Humanity?

When 9.11 incident happened in 2001, our channeled source told that it was the beginning of selection in the humanity, and more and more natural disasters would happen on the earth.

As we see now that the climate change has been intensifying.

In 2022, it has started to show severe climate disasters in many places. It is an undeniable fact that something is going on the planet. It has been anticipated that more and more natural disasters such as earthquakes, flooding, wildfire, volcano eruptions, and hurricanes occur in more and more places.

The other signs of selection in the humanity would be wars and epidemic of viruses.

The year 2012 was supposed to be the ascension key year, but it had delayed about 9 years, largely because darkness had resisted and persisted so strong.

However, right before the winter solstice in 2021, our channeled source informed that the Divine Council had announced that Light had rid of darkness.

While it will take a while that to manifest in the 3rd dimension, it is still in our hands whether to choose to develop inner spirituality and build a new reality of unity and Love, or to remain asleep and wait for apocalypse.

Scientists and CO2

The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is only 400PPM (Parts Per Million) that is equivalent to 4 carbon dioxide molecules in 10,000 total.

Why is it so significant to affect the global warming and the climate change?

Actually, water vapor (H2O) is a greenhouse gas, but that is not the root cause. There are more unprecedented things going on.

The video shows that carbon dioxide has been exploited by the industry giants and the scientists who pursue grants and self-profits.

The video forum of the Creative Society shows more details about the true cause of the recent climate change.

We Can Choose to Survive in Unity

While we will continue to experience the climate disasters, it is anticipated that we will have 5 to 6 years of relatively stable years. That is the key period to change the fundamental of society.

It is obvious to everyone's eye that the current format of society creates poverty, wars, deprivation, and many divisions. Only a few riches manipulate the majority who suffer from daily living staples.

Before the climate Cerberus engulfs us, we must choose to unite, we must choose to survive, and we must choose to create a new society that is governed by people and works for people. We have no time to waste.

What is the Creative Society? How does such a format of society replace the current consumerist society?

Creative Society is not a name of a particular organization but rather an international co-project, a movement or a model that each of us directly participates and creates. Each individual is counted in dignity as a human that composes the society.

The source site:

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