Saturday, December 10, 2022

Stagflation Is About to Happen

Global economic crisis has been predicted long ago by our channeled source.

If a cup of coffee costs $1,000 and gasoline costs $5,000 per gallon, the value of money will vanish. Riches who thought money can buy everything will go crazy, while the poor who did not have anything will have no impact from such inflation. Water and food will become extremely valuable.

Today, inflation has already been happening and many are living in poverty. Even in advanced countries such as the United States of America, 1 in 6 persons is in poverty level that makes living on $5 per day.

In the current consumerist format of society, you get rich based on the sacrifices of poor people. Its economic system does not allow everyone to be wealthy. Rich becomes richer and poor becomes poorer. In today's world, 1% of the wealthiest hold more than 70% of the total wealth. 

While riches enjoy living in luxury, the climate change steadfastly progresses and eventually will annihilate everybody, including them. Their lives end anyway.

By the year 2030, it is estimated that the entire GDP in the world will not be able to cover the damages from the climate disasters.

Now, do we people choose to continue contributing to the top 1% and wait until we die together with them, or we rise up and create a public demand to change the society to a creative one that will mobilize all the wisdom and intelligence to concur the climate change and thus create a chance for all human beings to survive?

The time is running out. Our chance of survival is in Unity. 

The source site:

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