Tuesday, August 1, 2023

If Not Carbon Dioxide, What Really Causes Emerging Global Warming?

It has been a while since global warming was mentioned in the first place.

And it has been widely believed that CO2 is the major culprit of it.

As a matter of fact, I also have believed so, until I watched the Creative Society forum.

The forum presented on November 22nd, 2022 revealed the fact about CO2 myth, so I researched about it myself.

As a result, I found that the CO2 contained in the Earth atmosphere is 415ppm.

All right. What the heck is PPM? PPM stands for Parts Per Million. Therefore, 415PPM means that there are 415 CO2 molecules out of 1 million.

In 1750, before the industrial revolution, CO2 content in the air was 278PPM. Yes, indeed. Carbon Dioxide has been increased because of man-made influence of industrialization.

However, what's the big deal about 278 turned to 415 pcs out of 1 million?

We can see that it is just a numerical trick that made it look like 50 percent increase just by looking at the number 278 and 415. But look at the denominator, which is 1 million. So we are actually comparing 0.000278 and 0.000415, you see?

Indeed, human beings increased the volume of CO2 emission, but in a planetary scale, it is nothing. It means that there are other bigger factors causing global warming.

And it suggests the following two things:

1. There are vested interests even in so called "the Green Industry" that promotes solar panels and wind turbines, advertising their green policies that promise reduction of CO2.

2. They know the fact that there are much larger factors that are causing global warming than CO2. However, it seems too overwhelming for humanity to counter it, so it is better to hide it so that people do not get panicked. 

Now, let's look at the video about the "Green Industry".


Now, let's talk about the other bigger factor of global warming.

It is explained as a result of the cyclical events happening every 12,000 years, according to the Creative Society.

Due to the influence of cosmic radiation that pours down on the entire solar system every 12,000 years, the cores of each planet begin to shake, resulting in pole shifts, and the rotation speed of the planets accelerates. Then, with the increased centrifugal force, magma rises through the mantle plume from deep inside and warms the seawater. This is the true cause of the global warming that is happening now.

At the Creative Society forum in April 2023, it was explained that Mars was also affected by this cycle, and 24,000 years ago, a submarine volcano erupted. When magma met the seawater, a violent explosion occurred and Mars was instantly destroyed by a planetary-scale hydraulic impact.

The Creative Society volunteer science team found that catastrophic events during the 24,000-year cycle are larger than the regular 12,000-year cycle based on their 27 years of geological studies.

Our planet Earth is about to face the same consequence as our brother planet Mars.

And we do not have much time left.

I will talk about it further in another video.

In the meantime, my friends and I were told about the events that our solar system experiences every 12,000 years, through another source.

It's about the Photon belt.

The galaxy where our solar system belongs has the sun called the Central Sun in the center. While the Earth revolves around the sun, our entire solar system revolves around the Central Sun. The Central Sun is the star Alcyone in the Pleiades star cluster.

Its revolution cycle is 24,000 years!

The photon belt is donut shaped and located perpendicular to the orbit of our solar system that revolves around Alcyone. Our solar system passes through the photon belt twice during its one orbital run.

Each half-cycle takes 12,000 years and passes through the photon belt. 10,000 years out of the photon belt, and 2,000 years in the photon belt.

The Earth has raised its vibrations each time it passed through the Photon Belt. This is a process called ascension, and only life that has been able to tune in to the rising vibrations of the planet has survived.

And this time is the big one, the 24,000-year cycle. The process of this time enables us to elevate from the current 3rd dimension straight up to the 5th dimension, bypassing the 4th.

Therefore, if you are unable to let go of the 3rd dimensional way of thinking, namely money and material oriented mind, or the experiences/knowledge/the common sense that you have acquired in the consumerist society, you won't be able to keep up with the ascension process of the Earth that is vibrating in much higher frequency.

While the Creative Society does not mention the Photon Belt, it explained what is going to happen in the 12,000-year cycle and its cause, thus we were able to grasp the whole picture.

And we can say that the Creative Society is the society to be created with the consciousness of the 5th.

I know that many of you might be perplexed understanding the Creative Society as its concept is completely different from the current familiar consumer format of society, but it is an ideal world where people take initiative and self-govern for people ourselves, based on the 8 pillars of foundation.

It is totally up to you whether to deny the change holding on to the conventional way of thinking, the acquired knowledge and experiences, or to accept whatever comes and start living in a new way.

The concept of the 5th dimension is Unity. The ideas such as discrimination and division that have been dominating this world do not resonate anymore!

Let us unite our heart and mind and create such an ideal society, the Creative Society. Together, we can.

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