Friday, October 21, 2022

The Future of Humanity

The global climate crisis and natural disasters are not largely contributed by human activity of CO2 generation, but by geodynamic processes occurring in the Earth's interior.

As being Rotarians in the 5D Portal admin team, we have received the video link of the conference held in Atlanta on October 15, 2022.

English video👇(for other languages, click☝)

It is a long video about climate change, what we have done to the environment, what is happening on the planet Earth, etc.

The remarkable thing is that the information we had received were backed by these scientific studies. For instance, the Earth axis will change and many natural disasters will happen, every 12,000 years our solar system encounters the Photon Belt as it orbits around the Central Sun (Alcyone) in Pleiades, etc. that were informed to us long ago. Actually, the Photon Belt was not mentioned in the video but the neutrinos that have affected the Earth core magnetic dynamo as explained in the video appear to be emitted from the Photon Belt.

In the video, there is a statement about "Mariana Trench". The scientists predict that the major eruption of magma from Mariana Trench and subsequent huge seismic activities will devastate the Earth.

Well, it actually coincide with our channeled message that catastrophic earthquakes will happen between Japan and Philippines which will deform the countries' geographical aspects. The only difference would be the year predicted to happen. The channeled message and the other source of information states July, 2025, while the video by Rotary has calculated October, 2036. No specific date has been given.

Our purpose here and we believe Rotary Club's also are not to bring fear at all. What we have done to our Mother Earth cannot be reversed. What we can do now is to prepare our mind, to be ready to accept whatever outcomes that the Earth faces during the process of her purification from all of negativities.

We do not need to panic. What we perceive as natural disasters (or even economic crisis) are necessary processes to create a new reality that is far better than the current ones. There will be no wars, no deprivation, no manipulation, only unity.

Please have faith in your heart that things only go better and better as we go toward ascension and keep your mind calm. You can tame your mind by knowing that you are not your mind but an observer of the mind.


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