Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Transition to Self-Government

The earth is facing a significant influence from the universe that occurs every 12,000 years. As stated in the 'Transformation' page, the core of the earth has been destabilized, and planetary scale catastrophes are inevitable if we do nothing. 

The key is to shift the existing consumerist format of society (3D) to the creative format of society (5D). We need to unite and take actions in order to achieve it.

What we can do is to do the following steps:

  1. Information Stage
    Creative Society format should be propagated as much as possible.

  2. Political Stage
    We elect politicians who certainly adopt the 8 pillars of the creative society into the constitution.

  3. World Referendum
Then we can enact Electoral Platform that every single person is directly involved in voting for making society laws.

In the initial stage, we need to vote for candidates who pledge to incorporate the 8 foundations of the Creative Society into the constitution. 

The international online conference of the Creative Society held on November 12, 2022 included such potential candidate in the United States, Robby Wells.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Monday, November 21, 2022

How To Live In Pure Consciousness

The instruction of how to observe your mind and connect to the Source is introduced by Aurora Ray, Ambassador of Galactic Federation.


The first step in practicing Vipassana meditation is learning to breathe deeply and slowly. 

The second step is learning how to observe your thoughts as they arise in your mind during the course of your day. This can be done by sitting comfortably with your eyes closed.

When you meditate, you're in the present moment. You're not thinking about anything else, and you don't have any judgments or expectations about what might happen next.

The mind is like a wild horse or a raging fire. If you try to control it, it will just get worse. But if you let it be, then it will settle down into its natural state of restfulness and calm.

As soon as one thought arises in your mind, watch it come into being. Then let it pass away naturally by watching rather than thinking about it or trying to control it in any way. This process becomes easier with practice.

After a while, when you're sitting down to meditate, you'll notice that thoughts come and go more quickly than they used to. You don't have to be aware of every thought; just watch whatever comes up and then let it go again.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Starseeds And The Language of Vibration

The following is an article from Aurora Ray, Ambassador of The Galactic Federation:

The Galactic Federation is here on a mission of peace. But the main reason of this mission is YOU. As a magnificent individual, you are critical to this collective ascension movement. Together we will increase Earth's vibrational frequency and sail across the sea of confusion to the land of enlightenment.

We are all here for a higher purpose. You must know there's a divine plan to accomplish Earth's awakening. Specific challenges are to be faced, and certain personal and untransferable paths and quests are to be taken. Always trust that Divine Intelligence will provide you with the information, people, and situations to make your role in this old story of ascension a lot easier.

Still, if there's an essential task to work on our planet, that is education. This educational assignment has to do with the enlightenment of individuals as to their purposes in life, their true powers, their health, and even their destinies. But also, and very importantly, it has to do with the education of Starseeds for their spiritual advancement.

The Galactic Federation is here to help guide the children of Light, or Starseeds, and to assist them because many of you are members of The Galactic Federation. You heard the call. Earth needed help and so you volunteered.