Monday, May 8, 2023

Who Am I? - A Powerful Question to 5D

This is an excerpt from the article written by Aurora Ray, Ambassador of Galactic Federation:

 If you want to know what your true self is, then first try to know what is not your true self. If there is something that does not belong to you, then it cannot be part of your true self.

There are many things that do not belong to us but which we have taken on as our own, either because we were told by someone else or because we were conditioned by them: "This is good" or "This is bad." But if we want to find out what our real nature is like and what our real values are, we must start with ourselves.

You should think about this question very carefully: "Who am I?" This is a critical question because if we begin to see ourselves as others see us, we will become what they want us to become; however, if we begin to see ourselves as our own selves see us, we will enter a new dimension of existence!

"Who am I?": This question that you are asking yourself is the only thing that will lead you to the fifth dimension. And it is a question that has no answer. It's not just any question; it has no answer; it's a question that has no intellectual answer. The answer is YOU—your realization of your innermost self.

The answer is within you, but it cannot be found by anyone else. You have to find it within yourself, and then only you will know what your own true nature is like.

That is why this arrow of a question is so powerful because it goes right into your heart—because then there are no barriers in its way. Then it travels inwards and reaches right within to where all knowledge lies hidden—that's where it comes from!

Your question is not about some abstract concept or theory; it is a question about yourself. And if you can answer that question, you will find yourself in the fifth dimension!

You will find out who you are, what your relationship is with God and all things, how many dimensions there are, and how many people there are in each dimension.

And when you are there, why should you go back? Why should we go back? It is a journey that has no end and no beginning; it is a journey within ourselves; it is a journey within our own minds; it is a journey within our own hearts; it is a journey within our own souls; it is a journey within our own bodies; it is a journey within our own realities!

You have seen that there is a hierarchy of energies: at the top of the pyramid are the most subtle forms of energy, and at the bottom are the grosser ones. So, if you want to ascend, you must first know yourself; you must realize who you are!

So, awaken now and let the time for sleep disappear forever!