Saturday, February 25, 2023

Super Volcano Explained - Yellowstone National Park

 Many volunteer scientists participate in the Creative Society.

Anastashia Pashigreva, Ph.D. in Chemistry, presented the forum associated with Mary Greeley, a researcher in Argentina. In the video, the relationship of the earthquake that struck Argentina in January 2023 and Yellow Stone National Park, one of the super volcanos, was explained.

Do not wait until climate disasters come to you. We have to know what is going on the Earth and wake up. We are following the dead-end scenario with the current format of society. It is up to us, people, how we want to live.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Turkey & Syria - What Happened & Why It Is Happening

 It is heart breaking that our fellow human beings die and suffer in such devastating event. Even if you are alive, it is too cold to survive without shelters. 

Why such tormenting events keep happening on the Earth?
Is it a test for human beings?

The answers are in the video of the forum held by Creative Society.

Creative Society has explained and warned about potential catastrophes that are coming near future. It includes why it is happening, why it has had to happen and how to counter the climate disasters so that we can survive.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Molecular Beverage Printer For Sale

It is still yet far from the Replicator that Creative Society indicated, but the concept of manipulating elementary particles is similar. The liquid version of the Replicator is already available for pre-order now (as of Feb 2023) at $499.

The California based company is called CANA.

Their project started with a desire to reduce environmental impact from the waste of beverage containers and the associated energy and resources for production, logistics and retailing.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Free Energy - Fuel Free Power Generators Are Here Already

Creative Society mentioned that FFG (Fuel Free Generator) was already available.

Well, to confirm its validity of the statement, I researched through the web and found the one that appears to be authentic. 

The rotor uses neodymium magnets and bifilar coils, and the design seems to be very simple. This particular prototype generates 10kW/h, which probably would be enough for small household use.

It requires initial starter electricity for the rotor to run at least 1,500rpm, then it loads up its own electricity for the rotor spin and generates excess electricity. Its efficiency is said to be 300%.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

How Many Cataclysms Do You Have To See To Wake Up?

Another cataclysm has occurred recently in Turkey.

It is not just a random natural disaster, but what you see is a beginning stage of the series of climatic events. More and more catastrophes are expected as these planetary level anomalies have been observed every 12,000 years. Please see this article for more about the cause.

Our source tells us that in July 2025, a massive earthquake strikes between Japan and the Philippines. Even before that catastrophic event, there will be more natural disastrous events in all over the world. Ones who are able to help the victims today may be the victims themselves next.