Friday, October 21, 2022

The Future of Humanity

The global climate crisis and natural disasters are not largely contributed by human activity of CO2 generation, but by geodynamic processes occurring in the Earth's interior.

As being Rotarians in the 5D Portal admin team, we have received the video link of the conference held in Atlanta on October 15, 2022.

English video👇(for other languages, click☝)

It is a long video about climate change, what we have done to the environment, what is happening on the planet Earth, etc.

The remarkable thing is that the information we had received were backed by these scientific studies. For instance, the Earth axis will change and many natural disasters will happen, every 12,000 years our solar system encounters the Photon Belt as it orbits around the Central Sun (Alcyone) in Pleiades, etc. that were informed to us long ago. Actually, the Photon Belt was not mentioned in the video but the neutrinos that have affected the Earth core magnetic dynamo as explained in the video appear to be emitted from the Photon Belt.

In the video, there is a statement about "Mariana Trench". The scientists predict that the major eruption of magma from Mariana Trench and subsequent huge seismic activities will devastate the Earth.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Transcending from Fear-based to Heart-based Reality

It is a very important and profound message from Victoria Reynolds for those who are in the ascension process.


Our hearts are the electromagnetic generator fueled by Divine Love. After listening to her messages in the video, I have realized that I still have fear stuck in my heart that prevents Heart to open up.

Thank you, Victoria. When I first saw her figure, she looked familiar to me as one of the spiritual council members of the planet Earth in my vision where leaders that are not politicians lead the direction of  the planetary beings including the planet herself.

Victoria's messages are mostly guidance to make inner transformation rather than outside worldly information. If your eyes are focused outward, it leads you back to 3D. Your attentions always need to be inward in 5D.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Paths of Becoming A Channeler

The Arcturian Council, one of the planetary groups of evolved beings in our galaxy is channeled by Daniel Scranton.

By watching his video how he became a channeler, considering what he had to go through, I would not choose to be one, while I know nothing is easy and it requires a lot of sacrifices.

The Arcuturian Council is said to transmit messages from the 9th dimension in order to raise awareness of the Earth beings.

While Daniel tells in the video that he had been asked how he knew that he was channeling, he did not mention that he had been asked if the entity he had channeled was truly "the Arcturian Council". Nobody may be able to know but you can tell by the contents of the messages transmitted through him, which I feel very profound.