Tuesday, March 14, 2023

What Is The Ideal World You Want to Live?

Imagine that you live in the Creative Society...

If the following lifestyle fits your ideal, the Creative Society is likely the answer.

  • Education including professional job skill learning is free
  • Healthcare is free
  • No taxation / No debts
  • No politicians 
  • Self-government (people are the government and vote directly)
  • Money belongs to the society itself that is self-governed
  • Single global bank owned and controlled by the society and no private banks
  • Housing is provided for every single person/family
  • Unconditional basic monthly income of $10,000 (equivalent currency) per person

Monday, March 6, 2023

Do You Really Know Buddhism?

Heaven Is Not The Goal

While Jesus Christ, Immanuel of Nazareth taught unconditional Love, Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha taught Compassion. They are essences of Light, just like a prism disperses different colors. Different masters taught the same spiritual essence but distinctively to the time, the area and the culture. Some saw Light as blue, some saw it as yellow color. They are all Light and different aspects of it. The differences in color represent the differences in religion. There is absolutely no need to argue which color is right or wrong.

In Buddhism, there are six paths in the astral world where the souls transmigrate to. From the bottom to the top layer, there are worlds of Hell, Famine (Starvation), Animals, Human Beings, Militants (Asura) and Heaven. These 6 worlds are in the astral dimension, and Buddhism teaches that Heaven is not the ultimate goal.

Heaven is the highest realm in the astral world, but souls can only go down to the other world from there.