Monday, March 6, 2023

Do You Really Know Buddhism?

Heaven Is Not The Goal

While Jesus Christ, Immanuel of Nazareth taught unconditional Love, Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha taught Compassion. They are essences of Light, just like a prism disperses different colors. Different masters taught the same spiritual essence but distinctively to the time, the area and the culture. Some saw Light as blue, some saw it as yellow color. They are all Light and different aspects of it. The differences in color represent the differences in religion. There is absolutely no need to argue which color is right or wrong.

In Buddhism, there are six paths in the astral world where the souls transmigrate to. From the bottom to the top layer, there are worlds of Hell, Famine (Starvation), Animals, Human Beings, Militants (Asura) and Heaven. These 6 worlds are in the astral dimension, and Buddhism teaches that Heaven is not the ultimate goal.

Heaven is the highest realm in the astral world, but souls can only go down to the other world from there.

Buddhism teaches that you must get out of the six paths of the transmigration in the astral world (4D) and be enlightened. It means that one should be reborn into the 5th dimension (5D) or higher.

Reincarnation to the 3rd dimension still exists even in the 5th dimension or higher, but it is consulted with the highly evolved guiding spirits, well-prepared and planned what to learn and aim before reincarnation.

Reincarnation from the 6 paths is different. Souls in the astral world often hold strong attachments to the material world (3D). For instance, they could be properties, money or children. Such souls not only not able to ascend to the 5th dimension, but also tend to wish returning to 3D right away.

Since following the spiritual path (practicing unconditional Love) is not easy, there are way too many souls now on the Earth reincarnated directly from the astral world.

It has lowered the collective consciousness and slowed ascension of the Earth.

The supreme divine council has sent forth the evolved souls that have consciousness of 5D or higher to raise the vibration of the human beings. It is the reason why there are many gifted children with spiritual awareness.

Nevertheless, it is still important that starseeds and lightworkers continue to raise awareness of the whole and guide souls closer to the 5D consciousness, whoever ready.

Needless to say, this is not the only teaching of Buddhism. I found the concept very profound that we must aim further than being in heaven.

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