Tuesday, March 14, 2023

What Is The Ideal World You Want to Live?

Imagine that you live in the Creative Society...

If the following lifestyle fits your ideal, the Creative Society is likely the answer.

  • Education including professional job skill learning is free
  • Healthcare is free
  • No taxation / No debts
  • No politicians 
  • Self-government (people are the government and vote directly)
  • Money belongs to the society itself that is self-governed
  • Single global bank owned and controlled by the society and no private banks
  • Housing is provided for every single person/family
  • Unconditional basic monthly income of $10,000 (equivalent currency) per person
  • No violence / No wars / No slavery
  • Public safety is protected by AI
  • No country boarders
  • Suppressed technology of Fuel Free Energy (FFG) will be revealed
    • No more utility bills
  • Matter Replicator & Utilizer: Manipulation technology of elementary particles that enables printings of any items including food (i.e. elementary particle version of 3D printer) utilizing any wastes to be decomposed and source as elementary particle materials.
    • This eliminates farming grounds, transportation fuel/emission, trash that are hazardous to the environment, warehouse/retail store spaces and kitchen/cookware.
  • Medical Advancement: Enabling reverse aging maintaining optimal health

In order to achieve this ideal world, we need to raise our awareness and demand shifting the existing consumerist format of society to the creative one.

Read more about the Creative Society.

Creative Society

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