Monday, January 30, 2023

If You Do Not Have to Work...

It has been a usual practice that you need to earn money to live in this world. It is so common and basic understanding, so we do not even question why we need money.

Yes, money can buy food, clothes and houses that are necessary for us to survive. Without money, you cannot travel, or you cannot get medical services. You will be down on the street like a dirt, unable to do anything.

All of this, however, is only in the society we live. The current format that has been developed is consumerist society, which is money and power driven.

The more money you have and the higher position you are posted, the more respect you will receive and the more power you will exert.

Yes, it has been like that, you might say. Nobody questions about it.

Let us take a look at an example. A man owned a coal mine in the 1950s. He was enjoying the business and all the workers were happy with their income. In the 1960s, oil has taken over coal as a major source of energy and the owner had to close down the mine. He was concerned about all the workers and their families and had decided to change their business platform to tourism.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Robby Wells Running for American Presidency in 2024

Robby Wells is probably the only presidency candidate of the United States who understands the concept and importance of Creative Society.

He understands that it is impossible to alter the climate Cerberus that would destroy the earth and all people on her in the next decade, if we continue to live in the power and money driven consumerist format of society.

In his speech, he said that he would be the last President of the United States of America. It means that he really intends to build a self-government, which is the core model of the Creative Society and give all the power back to people, as there will be no more politics, no corruption, no manipulation and no boarders to divide in countries.

In other words, politicians who support the Creative Society like him are needed now and during the transition period. After the Creative Society is built, there will be a self-government and politicians are no longer needed.

We can say that America is the most influential country in the world today. Therefore, it is important to elect political leaders like him who support Creative Society.

I was not particularly impressed about his comments about Putin would be well-supported in the United States if he runs for American presidency, but it makes sense that he runs as an individual and not from the major parties as he first likes to unite the country.

It is my hope that more and more candidates like him will run for elections in the world.

We see poverty, wars, deprivation, violence, injustice and so many problems in the current consumerist format of society. We know that it is a dead-end road, but we accept it as our standard. We can, however, change it, by only electing politicians who support the Creative Society

Saturday, January 21, 2023

How to Communicate with God?

For those who are trying to find God, prayer should be a pleasurable experience, since it is nothing but an attempt to seek his presence as a friend.

Yet most of us find our prayer lacking in joy.

Is it, perhaps, because we don't really understand the nature of prayer?

The common illusion is that we think we take the initiative.

No, it is God who tries to get our attention, waiting for our response.

Our part is to give him time and attention, to respond joyfully to his presence.

Words are the usual means of responding.

But more important than words is my heart's response to God's Word, my total presence to his abiding presence in myself, in people, in creation, in Scripture and the Sacraments.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Love, Intuition & Ascension

The insights are from Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation.

This is not to say that there is no wrong in the world. There is. But who are you to interfere with any structure? All structures have been given by nature. You cannot be the one who will change them. You can only love, but you cannot interfere with the way things are being done around you. "Love and allow." This is the only teaching of all religions and of all sages. Allow things to be.

Always remember that love flows from God, so do not try to force it outside. Find the source within yourself. When you claim to love someone from outside, then it becomes a fake game. So the inner journey has to be continued, and the outer journey may follow as part of nature's law.

Even the smallest effort put into the idea of love will make a world of difference in your life and the lives of those around you.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Pleiadian Protocols - Removing Pain | Removing Viruses | Raising Energy | Increasing Light

Pleiadians among the Galactic Federation members are advanced in medical fields. Their technologies include Medbeds that cure any kind of illnesses or physical distortions and repair DNA and Rejuvenation Capsules that enhance telomerase to restore all the body cells, enabling ones to be at any age desired.

These technologies will be introduced when our collective consciousness energy reaches to certain level, enough to make 5D New Earth realities.

Until then, we still need to wait, but there are some remedies.

Since years ago, Pleiadians have experimentally initiated protocols that provide certain healing effects to human beings. They are accessible to anyone who knows how to activate them.

Here is what the protocols are. Say each command three times. In each protocol, lay down and allow 20 to 30 minutes for healing process.