Saturday, July 29, 2023











あなたがクリエイティブな社会に住んでいると想像してみてください。 医療と教育は無料で、住宅も無料で提供され、公共料金を支払う必要もありません。 ローンはすべて返済され、誰にも負債はなくなります。現在のレートで毎月130万円の基本収入が無条件で一人一人に与えられます。そうしたら、あなたはそのお金をどのように使いたいですか?それで何をしたいですか?


あなたの勤務スケジュールは週 4 日、1 日 4 時間で、それに見合った十分な給与を受け取っていると想像してください。 また、無条件の基本収入と無料の住居もあります。 教育も無料で、世界中どこでも質の高い内容のものが受講できます。 専門的なスキルを習得して、世界中のいろいろなチームに加わり、社会全体の利益のためにプロジェクトに携わることができます。 もしくは、まったく仕事しなくても構いません。 あなたならどうしますか?


クリエイティブな社会は、誰もが経済的に安定している世界です。 戦争、暴力、奴隷制のない完全に安全な世界です。 先ほどお話ししたものがすべて揃っている世界です。 あなたはクリエイティブな社会に住みたいと思いますか?


Find Your Life Purpose 💗 Powerful Questions To Discover Yourself

Creative Society is an international project, based on highly evolved concept of unity, harmony and Love. It is not a name of an organization nor a religion, while the project discriminates no one.

This movement gives power back to us, the people. Anybody can participate in this project and they are all volunteers. No one associates with any financial gains from this project. But the project will benefit all of the humanity when the Creative Society is build.

A couple of times a year, the international forums are held online. I have interviewd several people in Japan for filming to be used in the forums.

It is like "what would you do if the world becomes like this?" type of question.

Interestingly, it eliminates all the conditioning that you have imposed on yourself and your answer is exactly "what you are supposed to be doing."

Don't use your brain to judge "oh, it is not gonna happen" or "it is way too unrealistic". Just use your intuition. You will be surprised to see what answer you will get.

Many people say that "I really want to do this, but I have given up because I have to make living." Well in fact, the majority of people compromise their dreams living in the current consumer format of society that requires money and the authorities and a few rich control people.

When I asked these questions, they say "oh, I have never thought about such things" and have to think for a while.

So, it would be a good opportunity that you ask yourself these questions.

OK, there are three questions:

No.1: Imagine that you live in the Creative Society. Healthcare and education are free of charge, you are provided with free housing, and you do not have to pay for utilities. All your loans are repaid, you don’t owe anything to anyone. Every month, you get an unconditional basic income of 10,000 US dollars at the current exchange rate to your card. Where would you spend that money? What would you do with it?

No.2: Imagine that your official work schedule is 4 days a week and 4 hours a day, and you receive a decent salary. You have an unconditional basic income and free housing. Education is free and of high quality anywhere in the world. You can acquire any professional skills and join any team across the world to implement projects for the benefit of the whole society. Or you are able not to work at all. What would you do? 

No.3: Creative Society is a world where everyone has financial stability. It’s an absolutely safe world free of war, violence and slavery. It’s a world where you have everything we talked about earlier. Would you like to live in the Creative society?

How was it? Except number 3, the first answer comes up is from your heart and what you are supposed to be doing. The answers come up after that are usually from your mind that already incorporated conditions and compromises.

So that's it for this time. Will see you next time in this channel.

Thursday, July 27, 2023
























これは、クリエイティブな社会で言っている「無燃料発電機=FUEL FREE GENERATOR」略してFFGというやつです。発電所から送電する方式と違って、小型なので各家庭に1台という感じで普及することになるはずです。















No More Utility Bills! Free Energy Generator Technology Is Coming To 5D Earth


Let's talk about energy this time.

Today, we use electricity for everything, from smartphones to aircon, refridgerator, lights, television, you name it.

Electricity itself isn't bad, but the processes to generate electricity is. What available today are thermal power that burns coal or natural gas, nuclear power, hydrolic, wind, solar, and so on.

Except solar, the same principle applies: to rotate turbines.

It actually has been used for almost 200 years ever since Michael Faraday discovered the law of electro-magnetic induction that enables generation of electricity by movements of magnets or coils.

In olden days, a bicycle had a dynamo that lit up when you pedalled, by rotation of the wheels. It is the same principle.

Also the same principle applies to the battery charging for the vehicle through the alternator while it is driven.

What I am trying to say is that the same technology has been used for over 200 years to generate the electricity!

That is to say, we are still rotating turbines. The only difference is the process, either by natural gas, water, wind or burning trash.

Even nuclear power is used just to spin the turbines. What kind of inefficiency is that? considering having dangerous nuclear wastes.

Some people might already know about vested interests on fossil fuels such as crude oil, coal and natural liquid gas, but in fact there are also vested interests involved even in the green energy industries.

We hear stories that the environment was ruined by the installation of such equipment, or ground water was contaminated due to herbiside sprayed to prevent weeds covering over the solar panels.

It has become a big deal so called SDG's, backed by the governments. However, the intentions are not always genuine.

By the way, we see some technologies advanced remarkably, such as smartphones. It is very surprising that one smartphone today can do more than what the entire NASA computer system did in 1969 when they flew Apolo 11 to the moon.

So, the technology has advanced all right, but why are we still using the same old turbine to spin when it comes to energy generation?

Of course, the vested interests exist that force us to depend on fossil fuel. Besides that, in the current consumer format of society, we, the consumers, must pay for the utility bills every month. It is like a "subscription" business that generates steady income forever.

In my former video, I talked about the top 1 percent dominates the majority of the world's wealth. And it is exactly the system that sucks all the money we have earned.

However, we don't even question, as we are so accustomed to pay for electricity. It is so elaborate that such notion has been implanted in our mind as a common sense.

Okay, then. What can we do? As a matter of fact, free energy devices already exist today.

They are small and permanent motion device using neodymium magnets. They rotate alternators to generate power, so the principle is the same as Michael Faraday, but they require no fuel.

They are called FFG (=Fuel Free Generator) in the Creative Society. Since they will be installed at each household, no wiring from the power plants will be necessary.

FFG will be available during the transition period from the current consumerist society to the creative one.

If it comes out and prevails now in this society, all the employees of the energy companies and their families will suffer. And the industries with vested interests will never allow it in the first place.

The next generation of technology will be the one that extracts unlimited energy available everywhere. In order to do that, we would need to understand aether.

The quantum physics today only looks at the material aspects of elemental particles, thus it will never achieve true free energy.

There was a scientist 100 years ago, who understood the mistery of aether.

His name is Nikola Tesla. He was a Serbian born in current Croatia. He traveled to the United States and studied together with Thomas Edison.

Tesla made the water powered generation at Niagara Falls and supported alternate current that is widely used now, vs. direct current that Edison supported. Tesla was not interested in becoming famous or being recognized. Many of his invensions were announced by Edison that made Edison famous, but the true genius was Tesla.

However, his study about aether was forced to stop. Why? Because, it was expected to establish free energy. Around 1905, modern industrialization has begun and it schemed to establish the system that people pay for electricity bills forever.

Furthermore, Tesla pictured wireless power transmission, but it did not come to fruition. Why? The sponsoring plutocracy, such as J.P. Morgan, had copper companies at that time and prioritized money making by selling their copper. So, they supported wired power transfer by copper cables.

The ungly power lines were not necessary, if Tesla's invention was revealed.

What we need to do now is to change the format of society. Otherwise, free energy has no chance to come to us.

There are other amazing technologies getting ready to be introduced in the creative society. I may be able to talk about it more in another occasion.

In any case, it is very dangerous to have those highly advanced technologies without changing the society and without raising the consciousness level of humankind, because they will be misused for wars and so on.

Therefore, it is important to raise our voice to demand the change and to build Creative Society that enables us to live safely, freely and prosperously, to respect each other and to achieve your life goals.

For more details, please watch the forum videos of Creative Society.

In the April 2023 forum, the Creative Society scientist team revealed their hypothesis about the entity, aether, that forms elementary particles such as leptons and quarks. Those who are interesed, must watch it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023





















How Is $10,000 a Month Basic Income Possible? 😱 The Top 1% Controls the World's Wealth - Creative Society

For those who know about the Creative Society, including myself, would ask, "how could the basic income of $10,000 a month possible to be given to each person, and where does such money come from?"

First, we need to know that in today's consumer-oriented economy, the top 1 percent in the world control more than half of the world's wealth. In the United States alone, the top 1 percent possesses $50 trillion.

Even Bill Gates said, "I'm well at the bottom of the top 1 percent."

We can say that we are working for the top 1% who have created the current financial and economic system, including those that are formerly called the Illuminati or the dark forces.

Most of the money we work and earn goes to them. Not only the military industry, but also the media and energy industries, are in their hands. We have been brainwashed to believe that "these are the ways to live in this society".

For example, it is common knowledge that you have to fuel gasoline and have an insurance to drive a car.

In recent years, electric vehicles have finally come out, but it still uses fossil fuel to generate electricity to charge them.

Furthermore, there are various vested interests involved, such as in the nuclear power plants or even green energy industry with solar or windmill. Human beings do not even know how to properly dispose radioactive waste.

There is also a factor that green energy is unstable in their power generations. They cannot generate electricity at night, when it rains, or when there is no wind.

When the creative society is built and there are no more worries of being misused like for wars, many amazing technologies such as fuel free generators will be revealed.

I will explain that on another occasion.

So let's go back to the question, "How could each person receive a basic income of $10,000 a month?"

In Creative Society, money will be managed and issued by "people", NOT the government. Just by distributing the wealth of the top 1% to people in the world alone, there will be more than plenty of money.

It is almost impossible to do it in the current consumerist format of society, because the top 1% will never allow it. So we have to change the society itself first.

We will need to destroy the society where politicians and big companies dominate, and create a completely new world where people control their own money and decide all the systems by ourselves. That's the true self-government that we are going to build.

An international project with that vision is the Creative Society. That is not an organization. That is a movement.

Having said that, we are supposed to think about world peace and the future of mankind, instead of what we should eat tonight. We need to realize that we have been designed to struggle with our living conditions, and we don't even notice it.

Let's think about it. What could be more important than saving the planet and humanity? If the earth is gone, you won't be able to survive either.

A metaphor is that if the human body dies, the cancer cells which invade the organs will die, too. So, let's not turn ourselves into cancer cells.

The Creative Society is a world where humanity will be able to enjoy true freedom. Only volunteers participate in the movement.

To learn more, watch the forum video on the Creative Society website.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

5D Ascension Is to Delve Deep into Self-Awareness

The following is from Aurora Ray, the ambassador of the Galactic Federation: 

In our pursuit of purpose and understanding, a deep yearning stirs within us—a longing to transcend the boundaries of our ordinary existence and soar towards a higher plane of consciousness.

This innate desire for ascension, firmly ingrained in the human spirit, calls us to surpass the limitations of the material world and embark on a profound voyage of self-discovery and spiritual illumination. Ascension, an age-old concept cherished by mystics and sages across diverse traditions, holds the key to transcending our current state and attaining an elevated awareness of our authentic essence.

To embark on the journey of ascension, it is crucial to delve into the depths of self-awareness.

Often, our focus tends to be solely on the objects of knowledge, neglecting the knower—the essential aspect of understanding ourselves. Meditation techniques such as self-remembering offer a pathway to gaining self-awareness by encouraging us to remember ourselves as the subject while knowing something. By consciously recognizing the knower within us, we unlock the potential to deepen our understanding of both ourselves and the world around us.

Tap into the profound wisdom of "I am," a simple yet potent mantra that holds the key to awakening your consciousness. In the midst of your daily activities, let this remembrance reverberate within you.

Whether sipping water or savoring a meal, keep the flame of self-remembrance alive. It may seem unnecessary, for you believe you already know your existence. But trust in the power of this practice, for it holds immense potential!

As you walk, let the rhythm of your steps harmonize with the steady chant of "I am, I am, I am." Allow this self-remembering to permeate your being. Listen attentively, absorbing the words spoken to you while staying rooted in the awareness of "I am, I am, I am." Let this awareness be a constant companion, ever-present in your journey.

In every moment you remember, begin with the phrase "I am." But remember, it's not about merely saying the words out loud. Instead, focus on cultivating the feeling within you. Allow it to resonate in your being.

Let your awareness go beyond surface-level repetition and truly connect with the essence of "I am." For instance, when you touch someone's hand, don't just feel their hand; feel your own touch as well. Be fully present at that moment, aware of your own presence within the touch.

Similarly, when you eat, it's not just about consuming food; it's about feeling yourself eating. Let this sense of awareness and sensitivity sink deeper and deeper into your mind, gradually permeating your entire being.

As you delve deeper into self-remembrance, you will witness a remarkable shift. The more you realize your own truth, the more the world around you loses its grip on reality. The "I" within becomes the epitome of authenticity, while the external realm dissolves into a dreamlike illusion!

The dichotomy between the real and the unreal unravels. The world cannot be real if the "I" is real, and vice versa. Embrace this change in perspective, for it has the potential to transform your very existence.

Most people go through life in a state of slumber, oblivious to the need for self-remembrance. But you have been given the rare opportunity to awaken even while awake. Take any moment, any fragment of time, and invoke the power of "I am."

It is not a matter of mere repetition, but a profound feeling that must permeate your entire being. Let this sensitivity seep into the depths of your consciousness.

And one day, like a sudden burst of sunlight, you will find yourself awakened at the core of your being! The world, once a dream, will reveal its illusory nature. You will realize that your own world is nothing but a dream. As this realization dawns upon you, the dreaming ceases. It can only persist if it is perceived as real. But the moment you recognize its unreality, the dream dissolves.

With this awakening, you shed your old self like a worn-out cloak. The slumbering soul gives way to a luminous being—a Buddha, an awakened one. In this state of awareness, misery dissipates, and death loses its grip. Fear is but a distant memory!

By liberating ourselves from the realm of sleep and transcending the illusions of dreaming, we attain true freedom.

In this awakened state, the chains of hate, anger, and greed dissolve, replaced by the essence of love. Love ceases to be a fleeting emotion; it becomes an integral part of our being. We embody love itself, breaking free from limitations.

This awakening empowers us to walk a path guided by love, granting us the freedom to live authentically and experience profound fulfillment.