Saturday, July 29, 2023

Find Your Life Purpose 💗 Powerful Questions To Discover Yourself

Creative Society is an international project, based on highly evolved concept of unity, harmony and Love. It is not a name of an organization nor a religion, while the project discriminates no one.

This movement gives power back to us, the people. Anybody can participate in this project and they are all volunteers. No one associates with any financial gains from this project. But the project will benefit all of the humanity when the Creative Society is build.

A couple of times a year, the international forums are held online. I have interviewd several people in Japan for filming to be used in the forums.

It is like "what would you do if the world becomes like this?" type of question.

Interestingly, it eliminates all the conditioning that you have imposed on yourself and your answer is exactly "what you are supposed to be doing."

Don't use your brain to judge "oh, it is not gonna happen" or "it is way too unrealistic". Just use your intuition. You will be surprised to see what answer you will get.

Many people say that "I really want to do this, but I have given up because I have to make living." Well in fact, the majority of people compromise their dreams living in the current consumer format of society that requires money and the authorities and a few rich control people.

When I asked these questions, they say "oh, I have never thought about such things" and have to think for a while.

So, it would be a good opportunity that you ask yourself these questions.

OK, there are three questions:

No.1: Imagine that you live in the Creative Society. Healthcare and education are free of charge, you are provided with free housing, and you do not have to pay for utilities. All your loans are repaid, you don’t owe anything to anyone. Every month, you get an unconditional basic income of 10,000 US dollars at the current exchange rate to your card. Where would you spend that money? What would you do with it?

No.2: Imagine that your official work schedule is 4 days a week and 4 hours a day, and you receive a decent salary. You have an unconditional basic income and free housing. Education is free and of high quality anywhere in the world. You can acquire any professional skills and join any team across the world to implement projects for the benefit of the whole society. Or you are able not to work at all. What would you do? 

No.3: Creative Society is a world where everyone has financial stability. It’s an absolutely safe world free of war, violence and slavery. It’s a world where you have everything we talked about earlier. Would you like to live in the Creative society?

How was it? Except number 3, the first answer comes up is from your heart and what you are supposed to be doing. The answers come up after that are usually from your mind that already incorporated conditions and compromises.

So that's it for this time. Will see you next time in this channel.

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