Tuesday, July 25, 2023

How Is $10,000 a Month Basic Income Possible? 😱 The Top 1% Controls the World's Wealth - Creative Society

For those who know about the Creative Society, including myself, would ask, "how could the basic income of $10,000 a month possible to be given to each person, and where does such money come from?"

First, we need to know that in today's consumer-oriented economy, the top 1 percent in the world control more than half of the world's wealth. In the United States alone, the top 1 percent possesses $50 trillion.

Even Bill Gates said, "I'm well at the bottom of the top 1 percent."

We can say that we are working for the top 1% who have created the current financial and economic system, including those that are formerly called the Illuminati or the dark forces.

Most of the money we work and earn goes to them. Not only the military industry, but also the media and energy industries, are in their hands. We have been brainwashed to believe that "these are the ways to live in this society".

For example, it is common knowledge that you have to fuel gasoline and have an insurance to drive a car.

In recent years, electric vehicles have finally come out, but it still uses fossil fuel to generate electricity to charge them.

Furthermore, there are various vested interests involved, such as in the nuclear power plants or even green energy industry with solar or windmill. Human beings do not even know how to properly dispose radioactive waste.

There is also a factor that green energy is unstable in their power generations. They cannot generate electricity at night, when it rains, or when there is no wind.

When the creative society is built and there are no more worries of being misused like for wars, many amazing technologies such as fuel free generators will be revealed.

I will explain that on another occasion.

So let's go back to the question, "How could each person receive a basic income of $10,000 a month?"

In Creative Society, money will be managed and issued by "people", NOT the government. Just by distributing the wealth of the top 1% to people in the world alone, there will be more than plenty of money.

It is almost impossible to do it in the current consumerist format of society, because the top 1% will never allow it. So we have to change the society itself first.

We will need to destroy the society where politicians and big companies dominate, and create a completely new world where people control their own money and decide all the systems by ourselves. That's the true self-government that we are going to build.

An international project with that vision is the Creative Society. That is not an organization. That is a movement.

Having said that, we are supposed to think about world peace and the future of mankind, instead of what we should eat tonight. We need to realize that we have been designed to struggle with our living conditions, and we don't even notice it.

Let's think about it. What could be more important than saving the planet and humanity? If the earth is gone, you won't be able to survive either.

A metaphor is that if the human body dies, the cancer cells which invade the organs will die, too. So, let's not turn ourselves into cancer cells.

The Creative Society is a world where humanity will be able to enjoy true freedom. Only volunteers participate in the movement.

To learn more, watch the forum video on the Creative Society website.

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