Friday, December 30, 2022

5D New Year - How to Raise Vibration in 5D

(This guidance is for those who have already been in the 5D frequencies, the ones who have introspected their innermost-self and been working on letting all the unnecessary 3D ways go.)

To raise your vibration, energy or frequency in the 5th dimension is simple. 

We have been educated, taught and experienced all the limitations of the 3rd dimensional physical reality. We are so accustomed to the ways they work in the 3D. And therefore, we have forgotten how everything works in the 5D or higher.

In the 5th dimension, there is no difference between what happens and what is imagined.

In other words, your imagination and your reality are the same.

Whatever in your imagination is what you will experience.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Opening Heart Prayer

Sometimes we forget that we are spiritual beings. We have physical bodies to maintain, and thus our mind have been busy struggling to survive in the outer world. We forget that our essence is spirit, the pure consciousness of God (Love).

Our hearts are the portal to 5D consciousness, the gate to the kingdom of heaven where unity and oneness is in Love.

Prayer to Open Your Heart

Absence of mind, Presence of God
Absence of mind, Presence of God
Absence of mind, Presence of God

God's Love flow through my being, through my heart
I thank my mind that has served me to deal with the worldly matters.
As it is limited to myself, it has also created fear and resentment.
I do not have to believe what my mind tells me.
I do not have to be responsible for my thoughts.
When emotions arise, I do not have to attach to my thoughts, as they are not real.

I accept everything that is provided to me.
I now surrender my whole being to God and leave everything to God's Love.

I AM God
I AM Love
I AM Light
I AM The True Self

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Creative Society - Essential Technologies Recap

The Creative Society team says that these technologies such as replicators, utilizers, free energy generators, medbeds, rejuvenation or anti-aging capsules, nano-bots, etc. are available today and will prevail when the format of society is changed to the creative one.

Under the current format of society, which is money and power driven, only a few enjoy wealth and abundance in life. In the creative society model, everyone receives benefits from these technologies that enable elemental particle transformation, nano-level medical advancements and AI based robotics that eliminates manual labor.

Our 5D Portal admin team has also been informed about similar technological advancements through the channelers of the Galactic Federation that consists of extraterrestrial beings from Lyra, Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda and Arcturus. The concept of the creative society is likely of the 5th dimension and came from the Galactic Federation.

These technologies are already available on the advanced planets with highly evolved consciousness. 

We, however, need to remember that technologies cannot be used for the evolution of our consciousness.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Biggest Opportunity of Spiritual Leap

The following insight was channeled and shared by Amanda Shertzer, answering the question:

The frustration of knowing you are all-powerful, but not feeling it while you are a human on Earth! Why do we do this to ourselves?

When you are in the mode of always needing to get to the next thing – to resolve the next problem – you are sometimes forgetting what’s going on around you in the present moment. We would speak to you today about living more of the moment that you are in.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

War Is A Business That We Sponsor

Since eons ago, wars have been said to be needed. The old time reason was religious conflicts. Now it is mostly to keep peace from terrorism or ridding of dictators in communist countries.

The true aims are sometimes oil, natural gas, uranium or other fuel sources, and mostly money making.

Wars do not just happen. They are plotted long before.

The military-industrial complex initiates war propaganda and justifies it through the monopolized media. The actual combat engagement is at the culmination of each plot.

The more wars created, the more profits received by manufacturing arms. For them, world peace means bankruptcy.

War is a part of economy in the current consumerist format of society. Furthermore, we not only unwittingly support them by paying taxes, but also encouraging human trafficking, child labor and organ trading that are also fund sources for wars, by doing nothing and remaining silent. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Stagflation Is About to Happen

Global economic crisis has been predicted long ago by our channeled source.

If a cup of coffee costs $1,000 and gasoline costs $5,000 per gallon, the value of money will vanish. Riches who thought money can buy everything will go crazy, while the poor who did not have anything will have no impact from such inflation. Water and food will become extremely valuable.

Today, inflation has already been happening and many are living in poverty. Even in advanced countries such as the United States of America, 1 in 6 persons is in poverty level that makes living on $5 per day.

In the current consumerist format of society, you get rich based on the sacrifices of poor people. Its economic system does not allow everyone to be wealthy. Rich becomes richer and poor becomes poorer. In today's world, 1% of the wealthiest hold more than 70% of the total wealth. 

While riches enjoy living in luxury, the climate change steadfastly progresses and eventually will annihilate everybody, including them. Their lives end anyway.

By the year 2030, it is estimated that the entire GDP in the world will not be able to cover the damages from the climate disasters.

Now, do we people choose to continue contributing to the top 1% and wait until we die together with them, or we rise up and create a public demand to change the society to a creative one that will mobilize all the wisdom and intelligence to concur the climate change and thus create a chance for all human beings to survive?

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Climate Cerberus

Selection of Humanity?

When 9.11 incident happened in 2001, our channeled source told that it was the beginning of selection in the humanity, and more and more natural disasters would happen on the earth.

As we see now that the climate change has been intensifying.

In 2022, it has started to show severe climate disasters in many places. It is an undeniable fact that something is going on the planet. It has been anticipated that more and more natural disasters such as earthquakes, flooding, wildfire, volcano eruptions, and hurricanes occur in more and more places.

The other signs of selection in the humanity would be wars and epidemic of viruses.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Alchemy Of Ascension

Another insight for crystal children, starseeds and lightworkers from Aurora Ray, Ambassador of The Galactic Federation.

Ascension can be a difficult thing to describe because it's not a destination or goal. It's not about getting somewhere else; it's about being here now, at this moment, with all of your senses engaged and open to new possibilities.

Ascension is being in the moment and doing what you love. It's being present; it's being present in your life. It's focusing on the now, not the future or past.

It's about letting go of the past and future so you can be free to follow your heart wherever it leads you. It's about living in the now and fully experiencing everything around you because when we do this, we find that the boundaries between us and everything else dissolve away like fog on a sunny day.

Life is the pursuit of ascension, and the secret to success lies in knowing what you want and why you want it. This will ensure that you stay on track and consistently work towards your goals each and every day.

Ascension is learning how to listen to our intuition, take responsibility for our actions, and accept responsibility for our actions. It's being brave enough to do what feels right, even if it feels scary-because courage is not the absence of fear; courage is taking action anyway.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Upcoming Cataclysms

Do Not Believe The Hype! - CO2 Does Not Cause The Global Warming!

The notorious CO2 is said to be a greenhouse gas that raises the atmospheric and oceanic temperatures. Well, the sunlight in conjunction with the green house effect may warm up the ocean water up to 200 meters from the surface, or up to 700 meters if the convection is included. But how do you explain the temperature rise way deep in the ocean in such a massive scale?

There are many underwater volcanos that have been observed to be hyperactive since 1995. Especially in the west of Antarctica and Greenland, glaciers are melting from below. Many seismic activities there have also become aggressive.

Can human cause them? 

The atmospheric CO2 content is 400ppm (parts per million), that is 1 carbon dioxide in 10,000 molecules of other substances. CO2 in the air is almost nothing, even if it is increased by 12% of human cause. In fact, CO2 has cooling effect in the contrary.

The climate change is obviously not anthropogenic. There are larger scale anomalies going on.

Geophysically, polar drifts have been observed and the Earth's magnetic field decreased by 9% in these 200 years. It means that the Earth core has been disturbed, and its dynamo that generates the magnetic field has been destabilized. 

The thinnest earth crust of about 5 km can be easily cracked open with the aggravated mantle plumes. When the ocean meets the magma, it induces a super hydraulic explosion.

Friday, December 2, 2022

2022 Winter Solstice - December 21st

The winter solstice of 2021 was the day when 5D and 3D orientation separated in consciousness. Ones in 5D consciousness and ones in 3D consciousness still mingle physically in the Earth society.

There is no right or wrong. There are no judgements good or bad.

Ones in 5D consciousness have continued to endeavor letting go of 3D habits and living in unity. Ones who choose to remain in 3D consciousness can also be inspired and participate in building a new reality.

Until the winter solstice in 2022 we are in the midst of an updraft of ascending energy of 5D Earth and the Universe. The 5D Portal channeler received a message that 12/21/2022 is the day when our 3D reality ends and a huge opportunity to ascend to 5D reality while having our physical bodies.

Those in 5D consciousness should be able to do it, as they have introspected deep down their minds in mindful meditation from long before. 

You may experience something drastic that are unwanted in the 3D point of view (pain, suffering, etc.) but they are part of the processes, and they should be welcomed, according to the channeled source.

The key is to rely on your Heart. All other thoughts are from your mind that lead back to 3D. When you notice something that you still act in 3D mind, just let it go. You do not have to attach your emotion to it. Just notice it and let it go.

Wishing you to have a wonderful experience on this coming Winter Solstice. Let us be Light to guide all in Unity.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Transition to Self-Government

The earth is facing a significant influence from the universe that occurs every 12,000 years. As stated in the 'Transformation' page, the core of the earth has been destabilized, and planetary scale catastrophes are inevitable if we do nothing. 

The key is to shift the existing consumerist format of society (3D) to the creative format of society (5D). We need to unite and take actions in order to achieve it.

What we can do is to do the following steps:

  1. Information Stage
    Creative Society format should be propagated as much as possible.

  2. Political Stage
    We elect politicians who certainly adopt the 8 pillars of the creative society into the constitution.

  3. World Referendum
Then we can enact Electoral Platform that every single person is directly involved in voting for making society laws.

In the initial stage, we need to vote for candidates who pledge to incorporate the 8 foundations of the Creative Society into the constitution. 

The international online conference of the Creative Society held on November 12, 2022 included such potential candidate in the United States, Robby Wells.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Monday, November 21, 2022

How To Live In Pure Consciousness

The instruction of how to observe your mind and connect to the Source is introduced by Aurora Ray, Ambassador of Galactic Federation.


The first step in practicing Vipassana meditation is learning to breathe deeply and slowly. 

The second step is learning how to observe your thoughts as they arise in your mind during the course of your day. This can be done by sitting comfortably with your eyes closed.

When you meditate, you're in the present moment. You're not thinking about anything else, and you don't have any judgments or expectations about what might happen next.

The mind is like a wild horse or a raging fire. If you try to control it, it will just get worse. But if you let it be, then it will settle down into its natural state of restfulness and calm.

As soon as one thought arises in your mind, watch it come into being. Then let it pass away naturally by watching rather than thinking about it or trying to control it in any way. This process becomes easier with practice.

After a while, when you're sitting down to meditate, you'll notice that thoughts come and go more quickly than they used to. You don't have to be aware of every thought; just watch whatever comes up and then let it go again.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Starseeds And The Language of Vibration

The following is an article from Aurora Ray, Ambassador of The Galactic Federation:

The Galactic Federation is here on a mission of peace. But the main reason of this mission is YOU. As a magnificent individual, you are critical to this collective ascension movement. Together we will increase Earth's vibrational frequency and sail across the sea of confusion to the land of enlightenment.

We are all here for a higher purpose. You must know there's a divine plan to accomplish Earth's awakening. Specific challenges are to be faced, and certain personal and untransferable paths and quests are to be taken. Always trust that Divine Intelligence will provide you with the information, people, and situations to make your role in this old story of ascension a lot easier.

Still, if there's an essential task to work on our planet, that is education. This educational assignment has to do with the enlightenment of individuals as to their purposes in life, their true powers, their health, and even their destinies. But also, and very importantly, it has to do with the education of Starseeds for their spiritual advancement.

The Galactic Federation is here to help guide the children of Light, or Starseeds, and to assist them because many of you are members of The Galactic Federation. You heard the call. Earth needed help and so you volunteered.

Friday, October 21, 2022

The Future of Humanity

The global climate crisis and natural disasters are not largely contributed by human activity of CO2 generation, but by geodynamic processes occurring in the Earth's interior.

As being Rotarians in the 5D Portal admin team, we have received the video link of the conference held in Atlanta on October 15, 2022.

English video👇(for other languages, click☝)

It is a long video about climate change, what we have done to the environment, what is happening on the planet Earth, etc.

The remarkable thing is that the information we had received were backed by these scientific studies. For instance, the Earth axis will change and many natural disasters will happen, every 12,000 years our solar system encounters the Photon Belt as it orbits around the Central Sun (Alcyone) in Pleiades, etc. that were informed to us long ago. Actually, the Photon Belt was not mentioned in the video but the neutrinos that have affected the Earth core magnetic dynamo as explained in the video appear to be emitted from the Photon Belt.

In the video, there is a statement about "Mariana Trench". The scientists predict that the major eruption of magma from Mariana Trench and subsequent huge seismic activities will devastate the Earth.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Transcending from Fear-based to Heart-based Reality

It is a very important and profound message from Victoria Reynolds for those who are in the ascension process.


Our hearts are the electromagnetic generator fueled by Divine Love. After listening to her messages in the video, I have realized that I still have fear stuck in my heart that prevents Heart to open up.

Thank you, Victoria. When I first saw her figure, she looked familiar to me as one of the spiritual council members of the planet Earth in my vision where leaders that are not politicians lead the direction of  the planetary beings including the planet herself.

Victoria's messages are mostly guidance to make inner transformation rather than outside worldly information. If your eyes are focused outward, it leads you back to 3D. Your attentions always need to be inward in 5D.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Paths of Becoming A Channeler

The Arcturian Council, one of the planetary groups of evolved beings in our galaxy is channeled by Daniel Scranton.

By watching his video how he became a channeler, considering what he had to go through, I would not choose to be one, while I know nothing is easy and it requires a lot of sacrifices.

The Arcuturian Council is said to transmit messages from the 9th dimension in order to raise awareness of the Earth beings.

While Daniel tells in the video that he had been asked how he knew that he was channeling, he did not mention that he had been asked if the entity he had channeled was truly "the Arcturian Council". Nobody may be able to know but you can tell by the contents of the messages transmitted through him, which I feel very profound.